Chapter Ten

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Word of advise, do not ride a dragon with an exit plan. The fire-breathing creature starts sinking closer and closer to the ground.

"We need to jump," I cry.

"What?" Ron shrieks.

"She's right," Harry calls back. "On three. One... Two... Three."

All four of us slide off the flying beast and fall into freezing water. I swim up for air and straight to the shore. The trio had some how swam up here before me.

"We need to go to Hogwarts," Harry states.

"What? I was just there before the holidays. Trust me you'll be stopped before you get on campus."

"Thanks for the support Abi."

"Just saying."

While the two of us discuss this, Hermione pulls out some dry clothes from her bag. We all separate and change to prevent hypothermia. Once all four us return by the lake side, we disapparate and appear in Hogsmeade. A loud wailing sound follows and we quickly take off. A door opens and we are motioned to enter a building.

The four of us duck in only to be sent to the back. I catch parts of what the man says to the Death Eaters out searching for us. It involves something about a cat and curfew. In all honesty, I have no clue what is going on. I look around the place, trying to figure out where we are. A man walks in and I automatically recognize him.

"You're Abeforth."

"As in Dumbledore's brother?" Hermione asks. He nods his head. She looks at the at the painting on the wall opposite of the door. "And then that must be your younger sister."

He simply nods his head and gives his sister a simple order. Soon, everything clicks in my mind. He is the pub owner the DA base is hooked up to.

Before I can utter a word, Harry and Abeforth are arguing over Dumbledore's honor and integrity. Thankfully, the portrait swings open to reveal Neville. He has a few cuts and bruises, but as far as I can tell, no severe damage.

"Hello," he smiles as we crawl into the tunnel. The portrait closes behind us and we go down to the Room of Requirements.

"Who did that to you?" Hermione asks.

"Crowley siblings mostly," Neville responds. We soon arrive at the entrance to the school and the wall swings open, revealing a huge room full of students. Everyone stares at us in shock and I hear someone in the back repeat "Lightning has struck." over and over. I jump down with Neville first and the other three follow us. People crowd around to see Harry. While Ginny run over to Harry, I walk over to Dean and Seamus.

"What do I need to know?" I ask.

"Figuring a battle is to start up," Dean chuckles. "We have just less than four houses of well prepared students."

I nod my head. Harry starts discussing what he needs with the others.

"Did you get our plan b, Seamus?" I ask. He nods his head smiling. I'm glad we make plans before the break. You never know if explosives are needed in a war, and next to my brothers, Seamus is an explosion master. The intercom comes on and Snape orders all students to the Great Hall. Someone hands me an extra Slytherin robe and I slip it on. Time to face a murderer and his friends.

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