Chapter Seven

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So this is how my days go now. Wake up, get ready, classes, detention, DA meetings, sleep. The occasional difference is when I hang out in the common room doing homework. It is truly terrifying how fast the changes are taking over the school and how long they are lasting. No magic is allowed any more. Teachers are even being watched. It's Umbridge's rule all over again. This time with less pink and that 'special' punishment of hers.

I sneak outside I between classes just to see the snow. Well, originally the plan was to see the snow, but it turned into me actually laying down and letting the flakes falls onto my face. I let thoughts run through my mind, trying to think of ways to contact my family.

However, I have no idea where they are or if there safe. Only those broadcasts that we listen to during DA meetings let me know who is still around. Another person lays down next to me and grabs my hand. I turn my head to see it is Draco laying by me.

"Train leaves tomorrow for the break," he reminds me. "I honestly am afraid of leaving you here. God knows what mischief you would cause."

I chuckle. "I guess I could go to your house if it won't be a problem for your parents."

"Mum actually has been asking if you were going to join us."

"She is a nice woman."

He nods his head and we look back at the sky. Even though it is grey, it still is slightly calming. After a couple minutes, Draco stands up and offers me his hand. I accept it and he pulls me up, just so we can get in the building before we get I trouble.


Bellatrix and I stare at each other from across the table, waiting for the other to pull out their wand first. This made it uncomfortable for the others eating their lunch. Draco grabs my hand, silently telling me not to start a battle.

I pick up my fork and silently eat the pasta in front of me. That is until there is a odd sound coming from the front door, last like a warning alarm. Draco and Mrs. Malfoy look at each other in concern as Bellatrix heads out the door.

"Probably best if we head to the library," Draco tells me. So it's Death Eater related. Him and his mum have been trying to keep me from being involved for my safety as they like to put it. I do not argue with them though. So I place my fork down and excuse myself to walk with Draco.

We head into the library and I pick up the book I've been working on. With a light kiss on my forehead, Draco leaves me to go deal with the business out there. I sit quietly, reading. That is until I hear a scream of pain. I drop my book and bolt out of the room to see Bellatrix carve a word into Hermione's arm.

"Get back in there," Draco gently orders.

"She's hurting my friend."

Draco has to hold me back, hoping that I won't cause more trouble. Soon Harry and Ron run up from the basement.

"You had them held prisoner," I screech at Draco. I easily get the wands of my friends and sibling before tossing them to the rightful owner. Or at least enough wands to match. Draco looks at his father and crazy aunt before pushing me towards the others. Ron catches me and the boys start dueling the Malfoys.

"Stop it," I hear. We all look at Bellatrix, who is holding a knife to Hermione's throat. "Unless you want to see how filthy her blood really is."

Just as I open my mouth to sing, a squeaking noise comes from above. Everyone turns their attention to see Dobby unscrewing the chandelier. As the glass masterpiece falls, Bellatrix pushes Hermione, diving to get out of the way. Ron holds Hermione close to him in a protective way. Dobby appears next to us.

"You could have killed me," Bellatrix screeches at him.

"Dobby didn't mean to kill. Dobby only meant to fatally injure or maim."

"How dare you disobey you master? A witch."

"Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby is going to help Harry and his friends."

I look over at Draco as my brother grabs my hand. The blonde just nods his head, as if it to let me know this is the right path.

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