Chapter Thirteen

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~Draco's P.O.V~

Many of us students ran to the Great Hall after the seize fire to regroup, help the wounded, and to mourn the dead. My reason to find Abi. Deep in my gut, I know something bad has happened, but I ignore it. No way did she do something stupid.

I see most of the Weaselys in a group, crying. However, there is no sign of the Siren. I swallow a lump in my throat and walk over to her fanily. None of them stop me. Instead, Ginny places a hand on my shoulder, tears pouring out of her eyes. That's when I see her body laying on the floor. Her red and white curls cushion her head like a pillow. The young Weasely looks as though she is peacefully asleep, but I know the truth. I let a scream of pain as I fall to my knees and lift her head to my chest. The tears don't stop falling.

"I'm sorry Abi," I sob into her hair. "This is all my fault. I couldn't protect you."

I continue to cry over her body until people start to leave the Great Hall and one of her brothers pulls me away. We all move out to the courtyard to see Hagrid carrying Harry's body. Ginny had to held back as she screamed out in pain.

"Harry Potter is dead," Voldemort shouts in glee. A knot forms in my stomach. The Dark Lord offers for any of us to step forward. Thus leading to my parents motioning for me to walk over. The only thing drawing me over is the pain and worry in my mother's eyes. Reluctantly, after Mr. Weasley nods his head, I walk over. Voldemort gives me an awkward hug before I step over to my parents. Mum throws her arms around me.

"I'm sorry," she mutters. Father places his hand on my shoulder and I shrug it off. Before we leave, Longbottom limps to the center of the courtyard. What is he doing?

"What is your name?" Voldemort asks.

"Neville Longbottom," he states bluntly, causing the Death Eaters to laugh. "And Harry maybe dead, but he is still in here," pointing at his heart. "And we shall continue to fight."

With that, the Gryffindor pulls the sword of his house from the Sorting Hat. In the chaos, Harry's body disappears. That clever git. He reappears across the courtyard.

"Stupify," I shout, knocking out a Death Eater near a first year. My father does not seem pleased at this and I do something I should have years ago. My fist makes contact with his cheek and I simply shake my hand.

"No more," I growl. Mum looks at me in confusion, but I am still focused on my father. "She was right. I was too much of a daddy's boy."

I go off to also fight along side my fellow students. Many seemed shocked. Others looked as though they expected this. It seems seemed to go by so quickly but also take forever. Once the fight is over, I sit down on one of the benches by the wall. The other students and adults are celebrating the actual end of Voldemort, however I feel as though I should not join in. Mr. Weasley walks over and sits next to me.

"You know she would be proud of you," he states. A smile stretches across his face. "My youngest knew you were good for something. Why else would she have chosen to be with you?"

"Who knows. My silver princess."

The last part I chuckled under my breath, remembering a song she had me listen to over Christmas. Abi's father pushes himself up before placing a hand on my shoulder.

"She wouldn't want you to waste your life away on her. Remember that singing ginger that changed you, but don't let the days slip by. You never know when it will be taken away."

With that, he walks away. A few minutes later, a frail girl with brown hair from Slytherin walks over towards me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah," I reply, pushing my hair back. "Astoria, right?"


"Sorry, it's just-"

"No. I get it. You just lost someone close. I figured you just need a friend."

I nod my head, thankful for a new friend. Even if I don't have Abi, my Silver Princess.

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