Chapter Six

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I stare in awe the amount of students that showed up. Almost all of the students from the houses, besides Slytherin, showed up. So many old and new faces fill the crowd. Ginny walk over to me and we stand in the front.

"Welcome," I manage. Bloody Hell. I never struggled with talking before. "This will be dangerous, so if you want to leave, you can. Go know." No one even moves an inch from their spot, they just look at each other. "Okay then. Well, DA started originally to learn defense, and now that we are threatened, we have to regroup. I have personally learned that in the headmaster's office has the Sword of Gryffindor."

Everyone starts talking among themselves. Many are talking about how Harry pulled the sword from the Sorting Hat. I take a deep breath and look at my twin. She takes over.

"We need volunteers to help."

Students look at each other for support. Finally Neville and Luna step forward. You can always rely on those two.

"Anyone else?" I ask. No one steps forward. "Okay then."


Darkness fills the corridors as I meet up with Ginny, Neville, and Luna. All four of us know the consequences of getting caught, but honestly don't care. The main thing on our mind is to get the sword away from Snape. Ginny signs towards me, saying that Snape is not there right now. Oh, this is just lining up perfectly. The four of us quickly run to the office, only to stop at the gargoyle, not knowing the password. Shit. It might have something to do with Harry's mum.

"Um.... Lilium?"

The gargoyle moves and opens up a staircase. Good thing I know most types of lilies start with lilium. The four of us run up the stairs and straight into the office.

"There it is," Neville points at it. We turn to see what he is talking about. Carefully, I lift the sword off the wall.

"What are you doing?" I hear. We look to see Professor Snape standing at the door. We're in trouble. "Why am I not shocked you're involved in this Miss Weasely and Miss Weasely?"

Both Ginny and I shrug our shoulders since he did ask a question we don't have the answer for. Snape grabs the sword from my hands as the Crow twins enter.

"Do you need us to take care of these four?" The man asks. I honestly can't remember his name.

"No," Snape states. "I already have a punishment in mind for these students. Now you can leave."

The twins nod their heads and Snape places the sword on the wall again. A knot forms in my stomach as Snape looks at us.

"You four must be by the Forbidden Forest after dinner tomorrow."

We all nod our heads and leave. It is probably better than the punishment the Crow twins would have given us. Each of us head back to the our proper house. Maybe I should have pulled out my wand. Could have hurt the man that killed Dumbledore. If only I had thought of that beforehand.

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