Chapter Twelve

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I am sitting in a bright, white King Cross Station. Some how, I'm in a white, flowy dress that fall to my knees and my hair falls perfectly. I'm also barefoot. I don't know how long I have been sitting here. Five minutes? An hour? Is this my afterlife?

Harry appears on the ground by my feet. He looks up at me.

"Abi?" he asks.

"Hi," I sheepishly smile.

"Where are we? And why is there a bloody child version of Voldemort under your bench?"

"What?" I shriek, looking underneath the bench. Sure enough the thing Harry described is curled up underneath my seat. I just step away as Harry stands up.

"So... Um... Harry, where's your glasses?"

"How about, where are we?"

"Train Station for the dead," I guess.

"There would be more people."


I spot Professor Dumbledore and turn Harry to face him.

"Professor," Harry calls. The old headmaster turns and smile at us.

"Mr. Potter. Miss Weasely." The two of us walk over to him.

"What is that thing?" I ask. Dumbledore looks at us as the three of us walk together.

"A piece of Voldemort sent here to die."

"So where are we?" Harry asks. "It looks like King Cross, but cleaner. And no trains."

"King Cross? Hm...This is, as you say, your party. And back to Miss Weasley's question, all those years ago, back in Godric Hallows, a spell fired back and Voldemort accidentally created a Horcrux."

I honestly have no response. I was told Harry had to die. I guess it matches the prophecy, but it is terrible. The three of us sit down with Dumbledore in the middle.

"I have to go back, haven't I?" Harry asks.

"Well that is up to you," Dumbledore responds.

"So it is my choice?"

"Of course it's your choice. We're in King Cross, so you say. I think if you're willing, you can board a train."

"And where will I go?"

"On. With Miss Weasley."

I look at my hands, knowing that was the intended outcome. Dumbledore stands up and Harry and I follow the suit. Dumbledore starts walking off.

"Voldemort has the elder wand," Harry states.

"And an army," I add. Dumbledore tries to hide a smirk.

"True, but Hogwarts gives help to those who need it. Hurting others is easy, so let me amend my last statement. Hogwarts give help to those who deserve it."

Dumbledore turns to walk away before Harry speaks up again.

"Professor, my mother's patronus was a doe, like Snape's, right? Isn't it a bit strange?"

"Now that I think about it," Dumbledore states, "not really."

"Professor, is this all in my head? Is this not real?"

"Why does it not have to real if it is in your head?"

With that, Dumbledore walks off. I turn to Harry as a completely white train pulls up.

"Well that is for me," I smile. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Protect them. All of them."

I wipe away a few tears before stepping up onto the train. I walk into an empty compartment before sticking my head out the window.

"Goodbye," he smiles a watery smile. "Don't cause others too much trouble."

"No promises," I chuckle, holding back a sob. The train pulls off as Harry disappears. I slump down in the seat, accepting the ride to who knows where.

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