Babysitting part 2

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"Alfred Jones please tell me you're joking.", I say with a desperate expression on my face. He chuckles sheepishly and shakes his head. "Fineee I will help you.", I say opening the door for them. He cheers and I chuckle shaking my head. The guys come out of the kitchen in confusion and I sigh. "Guys this is Alfred,Nicole, and Travis. Alfred and kids this is Ciel,Sebastian,Claude and Alois." , I say pointing at all of them. The kids wave and the BB cast wave back. (That's what i'm gonna call them when its all of them) I look down at the kids and ask, "What do you guys like to do for fun?" They look at each other and yell, "VIDEO GAMES!!" I laugh and tell them to follow me. Everyone follows me to the game room and the kids cheer and race over to the TV.

 Everyone follows me to the game room and the kids cheer and race over to the TV

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The BB cast look around in amazement and walk around. Alfred,having spent most of his time in here, shows them around. I am setting things up for Nicole and Travis. While they are playing games and Alfred is giving the BB cast a walk around and a tutorial, I decide to call up one of the girls to come hang out. Spending to much time around the guys is really taking a toll on me. Scrolling through my contacts, I stop on Athena and press call. While the phone is ringing, I look at all these people in one room. "Hey Y/N! What's up?", Athena says. "Hey Athena! I need some girl time. You wanna come over later on tonight?", I ask. "Sure sounds good. I will be there around 4:30! See you then!",She says cheerfully. "Okay great! Tell Brandon I said hi!", I said. "I will! Bye!", She said and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and walk over to the kids. I grab a controller and ask," Got room for one more?" They nod eagerly and I sit down. We play for about an hour until they get tired. They yawn and I grab Travis and Alfred grabs Nicole. "We will be right back." , I whisper and leave the room. Alfred and I walk down the hall until we get to my guest room, in case the girls stays over or if Alfred stays over.

We set them down on opposite sides of the bed and leave the room

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We set them down on opposite sides of the bed and leave the room. "So when are their parents coming to get them?", I ask Alfred as we walk back to the game room. "5:00. When is Athena coming over?", he asked me as I opened the door. "4:30. How did you know she was coming over?", I ask with a raised eyebrow. "I was listening to your conversation." , he says while sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. I roll my eyes playfully and sit down on the couch.

4:30 pm

Hearing the doorbell ring, I go to open it to see my best friend, Athena. "Hey Athena!", I say giving her a hug. She hugs back and says," Hey Y/N!" I let her inside and upstairs to my room. Passing the guys and receiving a confused look from Athena, I shake my head as to tell her not to worry about it. We walk in grab some things and head down stairs to the living room where the kids are sitting. "Hey guys. How was your nap?", I ask them. "It was great. The bed was really comfy. Thank you miss Y/N!", they said happily. I aww and say," It's no problem kiddos." They moved over so me and Athena could sit down. The BB cast retreated to their rooms and I can only guess that Alfred is in the game room.We start talking about random things while I braid Nicole's hair. As we talk, I get an amazing idea. "Hey you guys wanna bake something? I think I have some stuff in the kitchen for cookies.", I say after braiding Nicole's hair. I get nods of agreement and we head into the kitchen. We grab the ingredients and get to work.

1 hour and 30 mins later

"AHHHHHHHHHHH", we all screamed as the cookies burn and create a fire. We all ran around screaming and panicking until Alfred rushed down the stairs and puts it out. Taking the cookies out and throwing them on top of the oven, I sigh and turn towards the kids. "Sorry kiddos looks like we won't be having cookies.", I say to them. "Are you sure my lady?", I hear behind me. I jump and turn around to see Sebastian and Claude standing there with fresh batches of cookies in hand. We cheer and I rush to to hug them. "Thanks guys!", I said while taking the cookies from their hands and putting them in plastic bags. I write their names on separate bags and hand the bags to them. "Thank you Miss Y/N and Mr. Butlers!", they say giving me a hug. I hug back just as the doorbell rings. "Right on time. Alright kids your parents are here so put your shoes on." They groan and go put their shoes on. Alfred opens the door to see two shocked parents. " Alfred this isn't your house and where are my kids?", the father says. I step out from behind Alfred and say, "Actually it's my house and the kids are getting their things together. Would you like to come inside?" They nod and I show them the living room. "I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Y/N L/N it's nice to meet you both.", I say shaking their hands. The kids run over and hug their parents. Athena and I awe at the love they share. They laugh and head over to the front door. The kids show them their cookies on the way out and I wave at them. "Bye guys come back soon!", I said and they wave back as their car drives off. I yawn and stretch, Athena joining in after. We clean up and head to our rooms. After saying goodnight to Athena, I head over to Alois's room. I open the door and see him about to go to sleep. "Is something wrong Y/-", he says and I cut him off by taking his hand and dragging him to my room. I open the door and walk over to the bed. Alois getting the message jumps into bed, me following. I snuggle into the sheets and fall asleep. Best day ever....

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