Picking a new world

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Hello Everyone!!! I'm back and I have been recently boosted with inspiration because of everyone's ideas and in case you don't know already THE NEW BLACK BUTLER MOVIE CAME OUT TODAY!!!! So I looked at everybody's ideas ,thanks for all the support by the way, and I really liked Nitzy_The_Neko's idea. So new chapter here we come!!Y/N POV

  2 months later


Laying flat on my back, I sigh in frustration. Recently I sent the BB crew back to their world and it was kinda heartbreaking, but I still visit them. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Flashback to 2 months ago

I sat in the living room, stretched across Ciel and Alois, when my head started pounding. "Y/N I'm sorry to say this, but you must send them back to their world. It's in complete chaos without the main characters. Without them their world will be destroyed and eventually they will disappear. However, I will allow you to visit them and I'm sure you can find a way. Also we have a meeting in a meeting in a week.", said the thundering voice in my head aka Zeus (see what I did there). I didn't realize I started crying until I was shaken by the shoulder. I look up to see 3 concerned and I slightly concerned faces. "Y/N...are you ok?", Ciel asked. I closed my eyes, more tears running down my face, and gave Alois the same look that I gave him when I first left him. He immediately started tearing up and said, "We have to go back." Their eyes widen and solemn looks cover their faces, except for Claude because his face is literally made of stone but you could see a glimmer of sadness flicker in his eyes. I comfort Alois who is full on sobbing and say, "It's going to be ok besides I can still visit hopefully not on the same occasion as when we first met." I take a moment to playfully glare at the other three males in the room. Alois looks up at me, tears drying, and says, " Really? You promise?" I smile and nod. We sign and head out to the garden to open the portal and we take a moment to say our last goodbyes. I walk up to Sebastian and halt my movements. "OH!! I almost forgot!", I say and run back in the house. I grab four boxes and walk back outside. I walk back over to Sebastian and grab the big slightly shaking box and hand it to him. " Just a little something to remember me by plus I think you deserve it.", I said as he opened the box. A small noise came from the box and Ciel curiously moved closer to the box to see what his butler is so worked up about. Just as he was about to look in the box, a furry white head with blue eyes popped out. Ciel gasped and fell back and the cat jumped out of the box and walked over to him. "Ciel and Sebastian, meet Jessabelle or Jess for short.", I said as Jess nuzzled Ciel's cheek and then she strode over to Sebastian who started to shower her in affection. "She is a hypoallergenic cat, which is why you weren't sneezing Ciel." "Thank you very much Miss Y/N. I am very honored by this wonderful gift.", said Sebastian as he continued to pet Jessabelle. I smile and move on to Ciel's gift. I hand him his box and he opens it and finds a glass chess set. "Y/N this is amazing thank you." , he said and hugged me. I pull back from the hug and say," I'm glad you like it and some advice." He raises a eyebrow and I say, "Try to teach your fiancee some manners. I don't understand how she can be lady and have those type of manners." He chuckles and says, "I will try. It might be hard though." I snicker and move on to Claude. I hold out his box  and he opens it from my hands which I thought was weird but I let it slide. He took out the black widow spider pocket watch and silently thanks me. I nod and move on to Alois. I hand him his box and say, "I saved the best for last." He opens it and gasps tearing up once again. He pulls out a framed picture of me, Alois, and Luka. "Thank you..thank you so much. I'll treasure it." He wipes his tears and I give him a hug. They walk towards the portal and I wave and they head through.

Flashback over

 Now I'm bored out of my mind. Suddenly an idea hits me as I look towards the crystal orb that sits next to my desk. Keeping my eyes on it, I get up from my bed and grab it.  Once I put my hands on it, it floats out of my hand and shows various anime. It stops on two options which is odd since I usually just find a random one, but maybe it knows what I'm thinking of. It stops on Hetalia and Attack on Titan. Hmm....now which one should I pick?

Where do you think she should go? I wanna again thank you all and especially Nitzy_The_Neko for the wonderful ideas!! So this story is officially back on track!! (Edit: but now I'm grounded soo yep that happened. I'm actually not even supposed to be on here but I'm sneaky like that.) 

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