Thanksgiving 21st century style!

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I wake up to a warm feeling in my chest. The only feeling I get when it's around the holidays. Today is my second favorite holiday...Thanksgiving because it's food and family related and I invited everybody to come. Sadly my parents couldn't make it but that's ok because I invited all my friends to come! Luckily I have a dining room just for these type of things. Alfred isn't coming because he's spending Thanksgiving with his family which I thought was cute. I rush out of bed eager to get the day started. Throwing on my clothes, I start heading down the stairs, making a list of the people that are coming in my head.  

Ok let's see

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Ok let's see..I have to pick up Marshall Lee , Rachel, Nebula, and Athena and her brother,Brandon...Violette, Lucas, and Lydia won't be here till later...including Ciel, Alois and myself because I know the butlers won't be sitting down with us...that's 11 people?! Good thing I have just enough chairs....

I head into the kitchen to see the butlers already preparing the kitchen. Once they are done, I walk past them to grab the fall decorations, plates, etc. They help me because I started to wobble. "Thanks guys! Follow me and I'll show you where to put them." They nod and follow me towards the grand dining room. I push open the doors with my foot and set stuff on the table.

It's quite spacious so there's plenty of room to move around without bumping into people

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It's quite spacious so there's plenty of room to move around without bumping into people. I start arranging plates and cups and Sebastian and Claude, under my direct instructions, put the decorations up. About 20 minutes later, we finish and I tell them to go relax or something. Time to go pick them up.  "Guys I'm leaving now! I'll be back in a couple of hours!" I grab my keys and coat and walk out the door. Unlocking my car, I start it waiting for it to get heated up. I drive out of the driveway and into the streets. Ok first stop..Marshall's house. 

half an hour later..

I pull up to his house and honk the horn loudly. The door opens and I step out my car. Marshall steps out and turns to lock his door. Once he turns around, I jump on his back. He laughs and I get off his back to give a proper greeting. He turns to face me and I hug him and smile brightly. "Hey Marshall!!!", I say. He ruffles my hair and says, "Hey there Y/N." Once I let go, I grab his hand and drag him to my car. We both get in the car and I drive off to the second destination, Rachel's house. 

another half an hour later..

We pull up at Rachel's house and this time Marshall honks the horn. Rachel opens her curtain and rolls her eyes, shakes her head and closes the curtains. We silently wait for her to come down. Not paying attention caused me to not see her get in the car until I saw her in the rear view mirror trying to scare me. "Hi Rachel!!", I scream and turn to her quickly. "AAHHHH", she screamed and jumped back into the seat. We laughed at her and she pouted. "Not funny guys..", she said as we drove away. During our drive, I get a call from Nebula saying that she will meet us at the house soon so our next stop is Athena's house!

40 minutes later.. (Patrick: can we hurry this up? I'm running out of cue cards.)

We finally arrive at Athena's house and she and Brandon were already outside waiting for us. Rachel opens the car door and Athena jumps in the middle and Brandon slides in next to her. I look over my shoulder at them and smile and say, "Hey guys!!!" Athena responds and Brandon just waves with a smile. After a drive to the store, We get back in the car and head home. Pulling up to the house, It's around 4:00 when we get there. We unload the car and head inside to the kitchen. Setting everything on the counters, I head into the living room to turn on the TV just in time to see Charlie Brown coming on at 5:30. Since the kitchen is already prepared, We get to work. Around 5:30, everything is in the oven and we are all sitting on the couch watching Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, one of my favorite cartoons to watch during the holidays. Once it was over, I grabbed everything out of the oven just as the doorbell rang. "Can somebody get that?", I say putting stuff on the table in the dining room. I hear footsteps and turn my head to see Nebula, Violette, Lucas, and Lydia walk over to me each getting their fair share of greetings, however Lucas's greeting seemed to last longer for some odd reason and that didn't sit too well with the people in the living room and the ones coming down the stairs. Once everything is set up, I call everybody into the dining room for dinner. Everybody settles down in their seats and I sit at the head of the table. We all take turns saying what we are thankful for, a tradition for us, and we all start eating while chatter and laughter fills the table. We all share funny stories and bring up old memories but as the day comes to a close, none of us will ever forget the happy memories at that table for the rest of our lives....

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I hope you all have a lovely thanksgiving and eat lots of food!!! Since Y/N and her friends shared what they were thankful for, I thought I should do the same. I am thankful for my family and friends for being able to put up with me and weirdness. I'm thankful for all of you, the readers, for supporting me and being able to be patient with my out of control schedule and for pressing that star to show that you love the stories that I write and the characters that I create. So again thank all of you, every single of you. If you want, you can write down what you are thankful for in the comments and tell me what your favorite thanksgiving food is! Mine is the mashed potatoes and gravy as well as the cute little crescent rolls that Pillsbury makes!!! So good!! Have fun everyone!!! Ruby out.

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