o.5 | GBF

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"I can't believe my best friend is moving tonight. I might cry." Vanessa spoke as she sat down on Luke's couch, resting her feet up on the coffee table.

"I know right. I don't wanna leave and meet new people."

"You're fine when it comes to meeting new people. You'll be alright, but you better text me all day everyday, and call."

"Yes ma'am."

"Doesn't California have a lot of gay people? You lucky bastard are gonna get a gay best friend and I'm not!"

Vanessa has always wanted a gay best friend after finishing all seasons of Glee in 7th grade.
She wanted one so bad, she kept asking Luke to be gay.
But Luke is as straight as a pole.

"You still want a gay best friend?" The blonde asked with a chuckle.

"Who doesn't!"

"Where's Stella?" Luke asked the small girl.

"I made her go buy us some pizza."

"And that is why you're my best friend."

Mmmm ok so Luke is leaving on the next chapter and then MUKE WILL RISE WOOO!1!1!1!1!1

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