1.2 | calum

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this is how calum looks like in the story
calum will top because why the f not

This will be in Ashton's and Calum's perspective mk

Calum Hood loves school, weird right?
He enjoyed the presence of his friends and he knew all the teachers and they all knew him. He felt safe there.

Ashton Irwin hates school and it's only his first day in high school.
Everyone around him pushes him around, everyone is rude, no one knows him. He feels left out.

Ashton was supposed to stay with his sister, Emma, the whole time because he had bad anxiety and is terrified of almost everything, but him being him, he had to get lost.

Ashton was currently sitting on the floor, back against lockers, looking more lost than ever.

The small boy brought his knees up to his chest and buried his face into his knees.
He just wanted to go home or be with Emma, any would be better than this.

The tardy bell rang, meaning he was late to his class. He would be there but he had no idea where the hell it was.

"Hey are you okay?" A voice asked Ashton.

The small boy looked up and his eyes widen. This boy was hot as fuck.

"Holy shit you're hot."
Those words left Ashton's mouth which made his eyes grow even wider.

That made the tall boy laugh and pull his hand out for the smaller boy to grab.

Ashton grabbed the mysterious boy's hand and got pulled up. Ashton noticed the boy had muscles which made him even more hotter, if that was even possible.

"I'll ask again, are you okay?" The brunette boy with a blonde streak asked.

"Oh uh no not really. It's my first day in a high school and I'm a sophomore and I don't know where to go and I lost my sister and-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'll help you. I'm Calum by the way. I'm a junior. Thanks for calling me hot by the way."

Ashton smiled and thanked the boy, closer than two boys who just met should.

The two boys were so close, Ashton can feel Calum's breath on his lips.

"I guess I should show you to your class now right." Calum said, still not backing away from Ashton.

Ashton nodded, too scared to speak, fearing his voice will crack.

"Can you meet me here after school?" Calum asked the smaller boy.

Once again, Ashton nodded.

Oooo look @ cashton being alive !
yeah im cashton af and like I said there will be cashton parts but more MUKE because like muke

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