o.7 | arrival

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Luke looked around the airport, his book bag around his shoulder and his luggage on the floor.

He needed to find his aunt and two cousins that he hasn't seen in a very long time.

"Luke!" A little girl with blonde hair called, grabbing the attention of the tall blonde.

"Macie!" Luke dropped his bags and kneeled down, opening his arms wide open for the small girl to give him a hug.

Macie rushed over to him and hugged him tightly.

They both pulled away shortly after so Luke could be able to say hello to his aunt Bertha.

"How are you Lukey?" His favorite aunt said as they both hugged.

"I'm fine. Glad to see you both." He said as he pulled away.

"We're both glad to see you too."

"So tomorrow will be your first day of school. You should start getting ready for bed now."

"Aunt Bertha, it's only 7:30 pm."

"Well mister you were on a long flight and spent all day moving your things in. Get some rest."

"Okay I will. Goodnight, love you."

"Goodnight Luke, love you too."

Does anyone even read this story anymore???

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