o.9 | lunch

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Luke is blessed that lunch time finally came around. He just started this school and he knows the year is gonna suck so hard.

He hates school with such a passion. He doesn't wanna be there. There is nothing that wants to keep him there.

Luke walked into the cafeteria and sat down at the table Emma was sitting at, but she wasn't alone.

Next to her was the cutest boy Luke has ever seen. The boy was small and petite, has cotton candy pink hair, and was wearing a sweatshirt that exposed his shoulders.

"Hey Luke. I'd like you to meet Michael."

Once Michael lifted his head to see Luke, he automatically gasped.

"Luke Hemmings?" The small boy said and damn did he have a cute voice.

"Uh yeah?" Luke said nervously.
How the hell does the cute small boy know who he is?

"It's me. Michael. Michael Clifford."

And that's when everything hit Luke like a truck.

"Mikey!? Holy shit, you changed."

That made the small boy giggle and that giggle made Luke die.

What the hell is wrong with you Luke. You're straight.

"Yeah, i did a few changes on myself." Michael said with a small smile.

"I'm guessing you two know each other." Emma said with a chuckle. 

"Yeah," said Luke, "me and him go way back."

"I'd love to hear about you two."

And that's how the three spent their lunchtime.

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