1.5 | windows down

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"Luke where are we going? Are you gonna take me to the cliff and push me off? Am I gonna die? Luke I swear to god-"

"Michael shut the fuck up, you're being more annoying than Courtney from 13 Reasons Why."

"Um offended?" Michael said with a chuckle.

"Michael, I'm not gonna kill you jeez. Remember back home when we used to go to our 'spot'? "

Michael smiled. How could he forget? Their 'spot' was a beach that had a cliff. That cliff had holes in the rocks and going in one of those holes will take you to a cave. Only Michael and Luke knew about that cave. It was their spot.

"How could I forget about our spot Lukey. A lot of adventures and gossip took place in those caves." Michael replied.

"Well, while wondering around the beach I found something similar and I'm taking you there now." Luke said as he parked his car next to a cliff on the beach.

Michael gasped. "Luke! Awww that's so sweet!"

Luke chuckled and stepped out of the car, Michael doing the same.

The two walked along to the cliff and stepped into the holes and made it into a cave. The sun made all the rocks shine and the water touching their feet was the perfect temperature. This is perfect.

"Wow, this is perfect." Michael said.


"Why did you bring me here?"

"I wanted us to be like we used to be." Luke said as he moved to sit next to Michael on the rock he was sitting on.

"You're so cute." Michael said as he looked down on his feet, his cheeks turning red because Luke was really close to him.

"Hey Michael?"

"Yeah?" The blue haired boy asked as he looked up, his face way to close to Luke's.

At that moment everything froze and the sound of waves crashing into the rocks didn't even exist anymore. It was just Luke and Michael, nothing more, nothing less.

Luke got closer to Michael, his eyes fluttering shut.
Michael was internally freaking out, but the moment was to perfect, there's no backing out now.

Michael and Luke got closer and closer until their lips pressed against each other.

They kissed and they're lips molded perfectly together, like their lips were meant to be on each other.

Luke brought his hand to Michael's cheek as their kiss turned into a more heated one, but was still soft and sweet.

Michael wrapped his arms around Luke's neck and got closer to him, if that was still even possible.

The two boys pulled away after another minute passed by and looked at each other, time still being frozen all around them.

Michael pressed his forehead against Luke's forehead and smiled, Luke smiling back.

The two boys just sat there, breathing and looking into each other's eyes, hoping everything after this moment will stay the same.

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