2: Safeword & Showers

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Leo's POV

Charlie showers first. While he showers, I lie on his bed with my phone in my hand and I go through Instagram. I favourite basically everything abstract that appears in my newsfeed that's new and I then find that I've seen some pictures before. 

I hope I don't get too attached to Charlie as he said that he wasn't ready for a relationship. When I do finally get off my phone, Charlie comes out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair over his eyes and a pile of clothes in his hand. "You can get in now."

"Thanks," I smile and pick up the towel off the bed that Charlie gave to me.

"I need to talk to you after you're out of the shower," he says.

"Okay," I reply, making my way to Charlie's bathroom. I turn the water on and take my clothes off and, soon enough, I'm in the shower underneath the fast multiple droplets of water. I wash the cum out of my hair first and then wash my body. Charlie's dick pops up into my mind and I immediately get hard again. Ugh, you've got to be kidding me! You only came a few minutes ago. The shower doesn't do me any good either, the sensation of the water falling and tapping my dick makes me even harder.

I end up walking out of the bathroom, wet hair over my forehead and my dick hard, no towel wrapped around me. "Hey," Charlie smiles. "Are..." His eyes drop below my waist and he raises his brow. "Are you okay?"

"I am great, thanks," I say, sarcastically as I sit on the edge of his bed. 

"Why are you hard?" Charlie asks, curiously.

"Just thought of something that I shouldn't have done in the shower," I reply, drying myself with my towel. "Don't worry, it'll go once I've left. I'll sort myself out if I have to."

I get back into my clothes from before and Charlie swivels around to face me on his desk chair. He places his hands on my thighs and rubs them up and down. He looks nervous. "Charlie?"

"Leo, please don't tell anyone about this," he begs. "I'm not out yet. No one knows that I'm gay and if they found out about this 'friends with benefits' thing, I'm not sure how they'd cope with it."

"I promise." I kiss him softly on the cheek. "But you'll have to come out soon, though. Keeping secrets from people becomes hard, ya know?"

"I know." He pauses, bowing his head down in shame. "I'm just not ready to tell anyone yet."

"Take your time," I advise him. "Let it happen naturally, don't force it. It happened naturally for me." I pause for a bit before changing the subject. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh." The subject Charlie was thinking of before the shower comes to his mind. "I wanted to talk to you about a safeword. As we're doing stuff that is a bit kinky, I wanted us to have a safeword so we know when to stop and do something different. We also need to set some ground rules. What do you like, what do you not like? That kind of stuff. I don't want you to get hurt or get upset."

"I like spanking, bondage, sex toys and a lot of other things but I don't like things that involve smearing shit over body parts," I say, removing Charlie's hands from my thighs. "And I don't like gang sex either."

"That's okay," Charlie smiles. "What about a safeword? I'd never make you need to use it but it's precautionary."

"Red? Like a traffic light. If I say red, stop. Yellow, slow down and green, keep going," I suggest.

"Okay," Charlie smiles, agreeing. "Red it is."

"So what's our next letter, sir?" I ask, smirking. 

"B. I hope you like giving blow jobs," he replies.

"Certainly, even though I'm completely innocent."

"I'll see you tomorrow at school, Leo," he says, which is a cue for me to go.

"See you tomorrow, sir," I smile, gladly, putting my shoes on and leaving. 

Walking back home, I spot Nate a few feet so I run up to him and say hey. "Hey, Nate."

"Hey, Leo," he beams. We walk alongside each other in a comfortable silence all the way back to my house. Nate's my cousin, by the way. "A mate of mine that I met in Finland, by the way, is actually moving here. He's gay and was wondering if you'd like to meet up for a chat once he's here. I told him I'd ask you."

"Yeah, sure," I shrug, excited. Maybe this guy is actually ready to be in a relationship. "What's his name?"

"Aaron Laakkonen. He's so vulnerable, Leo, please take care of him," he turns to me with hurt in his eyes.

"Did something happen to him?" I ask.

"Yes." Nate stops walking and turns to face me. I stop walking myself and turn to face him. "Leo, his dad abused him severely in Finland because of his sexuality. And then people bullied him at school badly and the two don't exactly mix. You know I said about myself meeting him?" I nod. "I was his penpal and I was to visit for 2 weeks. I saw everything that happened, Leo. The abuse, the bullying, all of it. I'm the reason he's moving and I promised him that he could stay with us until his mum moves. He moves here in about a week."

"Okay," I smile and walk into the house. 

Nate follows close behind. As soon as we get in, Nate pushes me against the closest wall and frowns at me. "Is that cum in your hair?" Shit, shit, shit, shit! I'm screwed. What's he going to think when I tell him the truth? "Have you given someone a blowjob?" 

I blush rosy red with embarrassment. "It's probably just glue." He walks away, not buying it at all.

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