11: Letter B - Buttplugs

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5 days pass and I spend the majority of them in bed in my pyjamas, doing work that Charlie got for me from school. When Friday finally rolls around, I feel like I've been in bed for longer than I actually have. I've had my breakfast in bed, courtesy of Charlie, my lunch in bed (thanks to Nate who has come home every day at lunchtime) and my tea in bed (thanks to my Mum). 

It's Friday afternoon and I've had enough of this fucking bed already. When Charlie arrives, he sits on the end of my bed. "Hey, you want me to get you anything? You want some food? Something to drink? You look thirsty?"

"Charlie, I've been in bed for 6 days now," I moan. "I don't want anything. This is boring."

"I know, baby," Charlie sighs, knowing it's been hard for me. "I know. But, one more day, and you'll be out of bed and able to do anything you want. Good things come to those who wait, Leo."

"Charlie, I'm done with this shit!" I shout. "This is bullshit." I climb out of bed with ease, able to stand perfectly fine and start pacing around the room. "I can walk fine, I can talk fine, I can do anything perfectly fine. Why I need to be bedridden for so many days, baffles me." I start shaking. "You're treating me like I'm your kid, you won't let me do what I want to fucking do, my independence is out of the window and this is fucking bullshit. This is fucking bullshit, Charlie. Get me out of this fucking house into the autumn air, I'm done with this shit, Charlie. Get me the fuck out of this room." I begin to shake even more, tears heavy falling from my eyes and I start to hyperventilate. 

Charlie pulls me down to the floor, resting on top of him, wrapping his left arm around my chest. "It's okay, baby. It's okay, Leo. It's okay. You're going to be okay. You're safe here. I'm here for you. It's okay, baby, it's okay. I'm right here." When I've finally calmed down, Charlie lies me back in bed. "What's wrong? You can tell me, baby."

"I've had enough, Charlie," I say. "I've had enough of this bed and the same food every day."

"Well, tell me what you want, Leo, and I'll give to you," he replies, kissing me lightly on the forehead and cheek. "I hate it when you're miserable, how can I make you happy?"

"I want you, Charlie," I reply, leaning forward and grabbing him by his school shirt, pulling him towards. "I want you. I want to do a letter of the alphabet with you and I want to enjoy it in this bed before I freak out again."

"You are so damn cute when you're angry," Charlie says, pressing his lips firmly against mine. I press mine against his, pulling at his tie from around his neck until it loosens in my hands enough for me to chuck it on the floor. He pushes me firmly down onto the bed, pinning my hips down, sitting on my erect cock over my pyjama trousers. "I've been waiting for letter B for a while." Charlie stands beside the bed, scrambling around in his bag trying to find something. He holds it up once he's found it. "Are you ready?"

"If that's going in me then, hell yeah, I'm ready," I urge him. "I love a good buttplug." He pushes my legs apart, ripping his school shirt off and crawling up in between them. Charlie lubricates the buttplug, seeing how much anticipation is building up on my face."Charlie, get on with it."

I go to grab the buttplug from his hands but he smacks my hands away, pinning me back down onto the bed. "You'll do as I say, okay?" He grips onto my buttcheek, holding the buttplug not too far away from my ass. "Look at me." He guides my chin up with 2 spare fingers. "You need to shower."

"I know I do," I roll my eyes. "Come on, Charlie."

"Do as I say, Leo," Charlie demands. "Not say as I do." His grip on my buttcheek tightens. He pushes the buttplug further towards my ass, starting to poke at my entrance with it. "This will stretch you out nice ready for anal sex over the weekend, won't it?" He starts slowly pushing it in. With his other hand, he smacks my cheek. "Won't it, Leo?" I let out a moan. He smacks my cheek again, pushing the buttplug in even further. "Won't it?!"

"Yes, sir," I moan. Once it's all the way in, Charlie stands up and lets me put my legs straight under the duvet. The buttplug starts rubbing against my prostate as I shuffle around in my bed to get comfy. Every time I move, it hits a sweet spot. 

Charlie pulls out another buttplug from his bag, lubing it up for himself. "Do you know what I want you to do with this one now?" I shake my head. He hands me the buttplug, lying down on my bed beside me and parting his legs. "Shove it in me, baby." I follow his demands, poking it to his entrance and pushing it in hard. "Ah-oh. Fuck, Leo." Charlie rolls over onto his back to face me. "You know what we're gonna do now, don't you?" I instantly get scared. He flicks my hair out of my face, pulling it back and scrunching it all into his hands.

5 minutes later...

"Charlie!" I gasp. "Oh. Oh, Charlie." I grasp onto the duvet, head thrown back, and I squirt everywhere.

"Hmm, Leo," Charlie says, finishing at the same time as me. He sits on my lap and cleans us up with a wipe. "I'm glad I brought those with me now."

"You knew I was bored of this bed?" I ask, surprised. 

"You've been bedridden for so long, I knew you would be miserable so I knew we had to do something from the alphabet," he smiles. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I loved it," I grin. "Thank you."

Author's Note: Hi, everyone. I know I haven't done too well with this book. I did originally plan for it just to be alphabet sex but then I thought that I needed to have some sort of storyline as well. Sorry it's taken to long to balance it out but I promise you there will be more letters coming your way for the rest of this year. I really want to work on completing this book and my Love is Series this year. 

If you have ideas, feel free to leave them in comments and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this update! - Chloe xx

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