10: Nate & Aaron?

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When I wake up, everyone is surrounding me, placing themselves carefully around me. I start to panic and Charlie can see it on my face. "Leo, are you okay? Can you breathe?"

"I'm okay, just a little anxious," I reply. I can't move. I can't move! "I can breathe but I can't move."

"Everything is going to be okay, Leo," Charlie reassures me. "The ambulance is on it's way, okay?" My Mum brushes the china away from me, removing any danger in case something else happens. "Keep still, baby, you've got a few pieces of china in your back near your spine but everything is going to be okay, baby, I promise you." Charlie holds my head still so I can't move even though I already feel paralysed all through my body. Charlie's mum kneels at my feet and so does Brandon, a mate of Charlie's, on the other side. Mum and Nate crowd around my waist and I begin to feel claustrophobic. I close my eyes but it doesn't make me feel any better. "Leo, are you sure you're okay?"

"I feel quite claustrophobic," I answer, anxiously.

"It's okay, Leo," he reassures me. "The ambulance are on their way and you'll be at hospital and safe in no time. I'll be right beside you, okay?"

"Okay," I smile. 

The paramedics soon arrive. "Right, who do we have here?"

"This is Leo, my boyfriend, he's 16 years old," Charlie replies. "He's dropped a mug and collapsed into the remnants of the china. He was drinking tea and just suddenly collapsed. He's got a few pieces of china wedged into his back and there's a chance of a spinal injury. Estimated length of unconsciousness is 12 minutes. Possible paralysis all through the body but is able to talk."

"Right, and is he breathing okay?" The female paramedic asks. "Is he having any trouble or has he had any trouble in the last few hours?"

"He was wheezing earlier calming down from a panic attack and he's now feeling quite claustrophic so he's feeling uneasy and having trouble breathing."

"Okay," The female paramedic kneels down beside me. "Hi, Leo, I'm Georgia and I'm a paramedic. This is my colleague, James, and we're going to help you today, okay?" I smile in response, my ability to talk becoming harder. "James, I think he's losing his ability to talk. We need to get him to hospital as soon as we can. Let's have 500mg of paracetamol and 0.5mg of Xanax and we'll do needle injections into the abdomen."

Once Georgia and James finish the tests on me, they get me into the back of the ambulance and Charlie joins me. Mum, Nate and Aaron get into Mum's car and decide to follow the ambulance to the hospital. I rest on my side on the uncomfortable bed as Georgia puts an oxygen mask on me. When I start to feel the medication kick in, I become breathless and dazed. "Leo, are you okay?" Charlie asks.

"Just a little breathless," I wheeze into the mask.

"Is that meant to happen, Georgia?" Charlie asks.

"It's perfectly normal, actually," she smiles. "It's just the medication kicking in, he'll be okay."

At the hospital, I'm taken straight up to the surgery theatre to have the china removed from my back and then I'm taken back downstairs into triage in the ED and the general anaesthetic starts to wear off. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"A lot better," I reply, still coming around. 

"Your mum, Nate and Aaron are in the relatives room so when you want to see them, you can," Charlie informs. "But the doctor will be back soon with results from your tests they took when you were asleep. You look a little pale, do you want me to get you some food, baby?"

"No, I don't think I can digest anything just yet," I reply but give him a thanking smile. "I can move but I can't digest anything yet." My toes start tingling, a sensation I've never experienced before. "Charlie, my toes are tingling." The sensation goes and it feels like all sensation is gone. "Charlie?" I start to panic. 

"Leo, what's wrong?" He asks, concerned.

"I can't feel anything in my right leg," I reply, panicking. "Charlie, something's wrong with my leg."

"Baby, it's okay, I'll get the doctor, okay?" Charlie tries not to panic me even more. "It's okay." He presses his lips to mine before sticking his head out of the curtains and shouting for help. I begin to drift between the two states of consciousness and my head starts to spin. I gasp for air as it feels like all air has been knocked out of me and I begin choking on the air I take in. "Leo, can you hear me?"

Several doctors, nurses and Charlie surround me but I can barely hear their voices. "He's tachycardic. Let's inject 0.5mg of adrenaline and shock him."

The next thing I know, I'm back to my normal state; unconscious and unable to breathe. I wake up gasping for air again and I start to feel my legs again. Another oxygen mask is placed over my mouth and I stop gasping for air, calming down. "What happened?"

"Your heart went into shock, Leo," my doctor, Braden Donelly, tells me. "But it's all okay now and guess what? Your spine is clear, there are no severe injuries, just a few cuts that are already starting to heal from the china. Luckily, none of the cuts require stitches so you're all good. We'd like to keep you in for a couple more hours just to check your blood pressure and do a full check up but for now we're going to send you up to the recovery ward so you can rest. Charlie here will go up with you but a porter will make sure you get there safely, okay?"

"Sounds great," I smile.

Up in the recovery ward, after my check up, Charlie goes off to get himself some food so I take the time to get some sleep. When I begin to feel myself wake up, Nate and Aaron enter the room, laughing. I open one eye slightly to see them leaning into each other and touching each other's thighs. Am I seeing right? 

Aaron sits down on one of the chairs beside me and Nate sits on his lap, slowly grinding against him trying to make it not so obvious but it doesn't seem to work. "Nate..." Aaron moans. "Nate, you should probably stop." Nate turns around and sits on his lap facing him and begins to grind again. "Nate..." Aaron begins to shout.

"Shut up, Aaron!" Nate tries to quieten him but continues grinding. They both lean in and their lips sync together. 

Oh my fucking God, I knew this would happen. My eyes shoot open and I jump up out of the bed, shouting. "Oh my! Goodness gracious, you two. Do you guys know how to control yourselves, you horny twats?"

"Oh, Leo, I'm so sorry," Aaron apologises. "I'm so sorry. Your mate, Nate, here is quite irresistible, I must say. He's been turning me on all day, the horny bastard."

"Aaron, we don't often use or particularly like that word, I'd rather you not say it in front of me," I suggest.

"Leo!" Charlie bursts into the room, seeing me standing from outside the window. "What's going on?"

"The horny buggars were getting it on right in front of me," I scoff. My doctor, Braden, walks into the room, seeing us all standing. 

"Leo, you should be lying down," he raises his voice. Even though I'm 16, he seems to be treating me younger than I actually am. 

"Sorry, Dr. Donelly, those two on the chair disturbed me and I freaked," I tell him, climbing back into the bed and sitting up. Nate and Aaron sit on separate chairs, embarrassed. "Right, Leo, everything has come back looking brilliant so I can safely discharge you. We just believe that you collapsed because of the tea you were drinking. You have a lot of sugar with your tea, don't you?"

"Yeah," I reply. "I know I need to cut down."

"Good," he smiles, satisified.  "Well, you can get changed and go now. Your mum is downstairs in the ED car park waiting to take you home." 

Authors Note: Double update! Who's happy? I've had loads of time to kill today so I thought I'd do as much as I could. I hope you enjoyed this update - I had a lot of fun writing it! - Chloe xx

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