3: Suspicions

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Leo's POV

At school the next day, I wonder past Charlie and he smirks at me. As Nate walks beside me, Charlie's smirk softens and he looks away. It's break time and Nate and I are off to the field for him to play footie and for me to watch him. It doesn't happen every break but it happens often enough to annoy me. 

As Nate and I approach the damp field, Nate turns around, drops his bag and sits down on the hill. I wonder what he's doing until he speaks up. "Leo, we need to talk!"

"Okay?" I reply, unsure. Nate never really needs to talk so it's worrying when he does. I sit down in front of him. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?!" He retorts. "If anything, something's wrong with you but I don't know what. Spill!"

"I can't," I exclaim. "I promised to not say anything."

"Why did Charlie look at you like that?" Nate asks.

"Just promise not to tell anyone." I wait for a response but I don't get one. "And I'll tell you."

"I promise not to tell anyone," he sighs, annoyed. "Now spill the beans! What's going on between you and Charlie?"

"Fine. Charlie and I are friends with benefits but it's more acquaintances with benefits as we barely know each other and-" 

Nate places a hand against my lips to shut me up. "Leo, stop talking. Is that why you had cum in your hair yesterday?"

"Yeah, it kind of got everywhere and I took a shower at Charlie's to try and get it out but it didn't work," I explained. 

After Nate and I talk for a while, we go back into the school and find our next lessons. Nate has food tech and I have French so we split our ways and plan to see each other at lunch time. 

At lunch time, I get pushed into a disabled toilet by Charlie and he locks it behind us. "I'm hard and I need to talk to you."

"What?" I roll my eyes. 

"We're doing 3 to 4 letters over the weekend," Charlie tells me. "You're to stay for the weekend and tell your mum that you're staying at a friends' house. We're doing letters O, R, B and A but A is optional as it's anal sex. It's up to you and how you feel then. Is that okay?"

"I guess so but why tell me now, on a Friday afternoon?" I ask.

"My house tonight!" He demands.

"Okay," I answer in a small voice. 

"I'll see you then," Charlie smirks. 

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