15: Letter V - Vroom Vroom (Valentine's Special)

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I open the front door and shut it behind me. Nate is sat at the table, waiting for me. I take a seat opposite him, pouring myself a glass of water from the jug. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

"It's Aaron," he replies. "He's not okay."

"What's going on?" I ask. I take a sip of water from the glass. "Nate?"

"He's in hospital," he says, taking a swig of alcohol from a can. Why is he drinking? He shouldn't be drinking at this time of day, it's too early. It's not even lunchtime yet and I wasn't even at Charlie's for that long. I wait patiently for him to carry on. He finishes his can and gets up to get another one. I step between him and the fridge, stopping him. "Get out of the way." 

"No," I reply, calmly, stepping forward to shut the fridge. "What happened?" He stands in front of me quietly, arms crossed over his chest. "Nate, please tell me what happened."

"He tried hanging himself," he replies, his voice a whisper and breaking as he holds back the tears. "It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault," I say. "Did you do anything to upset him? Did you say anything that hurt him?"

"No," he replies. "But I told him I loved him. I told him I loved him more than a friend and he didn't believe me. He told me to stop lying but I told him I was telling him the truth. He ran home so I decided to give him time but it was the wrong thing to do. An hour after that, I got a call from a nurse telling me he was in the hospital. I'm waiting for your Mum to get here to take me there."

"Do you want me to come?" I ask. 

"You can if you want," Nate replies. "How's Charlie? Is he doing okay? Maybe he should come, too."

"I'll phone him, tell him what happened," I say, pulling my phone out of my pocket and wandering off upstairs to my room. The phone rings for a bit and then Charlie picks up. "Hi."

"You're keen," Charlie replies, chuckling. "Is everything okay?"

"No," I reply, sitting down on my bed. "Aaron's in hospital. He tried hanging himself. My mum's on her way home from work, she's taking us to see him, would you like to come?"

"Sure," he replies. "Is Nate okay?"

"He's really distressed," I say. "He needs us."

5 minutes later, Charlie and mum arrive. Nate climbs into the front of the car and Charlie and I climb in the back. I rest my hand on the seat between Charlie and me, trembling as I bite my lower lip. He grabs my hand, stopping the shaking. "It's okay."

"I thought you didn't want an emotional relationship," I say under my breath so no one else can hear. "I thought you just wanted sex."

"And I do," he replies. "But I still care about you."

"If you cared, you'd not just want sex." The rest of the journey remains silent. I pull my hand away from Charlie's and rest them on my lap. 

Mum pulls into the car park. Nate and mum climb out the car. "Are you two coming in?" She asks. "Or do you need to talk?"

"We'll stay in here," I reply. "Will you keep us updated?"

"Sure," she replies. They wander off towards the A&E entrance together. She locks the car behind her, leaving Charlie and me alone. 

We undo our seatbelts and sit beside each other in silence for a while before Charlie decides to speak up. "Leo-"

"Don't," I reply. "If you just want sex, why don't you hire a prostitute? Someone you won't get emotionally attached to."

"Because I want to do it with you," he says. "And why are we talking about it when we could be doing it?"

"Because you're using me!" I shout. "I'm not just a sex toy, Charlie. I have feelings, I have a body. And you're just using my body and not giving a single fuck about my feelings. I thought you cared."

"I do," he says. 

"Well then show it!" 

He leans forward, pressing his lips to mine. He pulls back. "Well?"

"That's not showing you care," I reply. 

"Stop being so difficult," Charlie says. "Why are being so difficult?"

"Because I want a relationship," I say. "Not just sex. But you only want sex, you don't want a relationship so why are we doing this? We both want different things so until you want to be in a relationship, I'm not interested."

"Can we at least have sex before we go our separate ways?" He asks.

"If you were listening, I'm not interested in sex."

A few hours later, Nate, Aaron, and mum come back to the car. Nate sits in the back with us, Aaron in the front with mum. We all go back home, but as we arrive, Charlie pulls me back and we stay in the car while everyone else goes in. He turns me around and kisses me. I push him away. "Did you not understand what I said? I'm not interested in sex."

"But admit it, you are horny right now, aren't you?" He asks. "Is this fighting turning you on?" He reaches into my pants, unzipping my zipper and shoving his hand under my briefs, grazing my already throbbing erection. "You horny buggar."

I smirk, letting him run his fingers over my cock. "Charlie." I clench my fingers around his cock, Charlie shoving it into my hands and he lets out a desperate moan. "Fuck me. Right here. Right now."

We keep our tops on, taking our jeans off. Charlie takes a condom out of his jeans pocket, putting it on and I grab the lube, making it wet enough for him to enter easily. I lie down across the backseats. Mum locks the car from inside the house. We can unlock the car ourselves when we're done "talking".

Charlie lies down on top of me, lining his cock to my entrance and carefully pushing in. My eyes water and I shake my body, adjusting to the fullness in my butt. I rest my hands on Charlie's shoulders and he leans down to kiss me, pulling back and thrusting in slowly. He pulls away, facing me. "Are you comfortable?" I scrunch my face up as he thrusts in slowly again, his head pressing against my prostate as he holds himself inside me, not moving at all. I wait a while, adjusting to the feeling.

"I'm comfortable," I reply and Charlie pulls back, slamming into me and my eyes water again as he slaps up painfully against my prostate again. "Keep going." He pulls back and slams into me again and, after multiple times, I can feel the pressure building in my crotch from my prostate. "Charlie." He keeps going, hitting my prostate multiple times and my erect dick throbs. "Charlie."

"Leo, I'm close," he says, and his grip tightens around my arm, slamming into me harder and faster. My eyes water and the pressure builds even more. "Leo." He slams into me a few more times. I moan, and Charlie moans as well. "I'm gonna cum." He slams even harder and faster, his eyes watering. 

I moan again, in time with Charlie's. I curl my toes, throwing my head back and moaning before shooting my load all over his torso. "Did you cum?"

He rests his body on mine, smearing the cum. "Yeah, I came."

I grab some tissues from my jeans pocket and clean up the cum, shoving the tissue back into my jeans pocket afterward to chuck in the bin later. We put our jeans back on, sort our messy hair out, unlock the car and head inside, holding hands.

I saw a few comments from a few weeks ago and realised I better update. So here it is. I hope you enjoyed it ;) I am so sorry I didn't update sooner but I've been working on a private project that's taking up a lot of time and I've got a lot of other things going on but I found the time to finish this chapter this evening. I am going to try and update a bit more but I'm not making promises. This was supposed to be a Valentine's special but I completely forgot about it and didn't update around then. So, finally, here it is. And I really hope you all enjoyed it - Chloe x

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