Discontinuing Announcement

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Hi everyone. 

So after realising I'm not going to have any time to write this anymore, I've decided that I won't be continuing with it. I'm working on a lot of private projects and they're taking up most of my time. I'd love to be able to continue this book but I just don't think it's feasible anymore.

I'm sorry. 

However, I have been thinking about starting a book of one-shots. Sexual one-shots. Or erotica/whatever you want to call it. But it won't be Chardre. It'll just be different scenes with different kinds of people ;). So if you have any requests, please let me know but please do it via private messages on here, any requests in the comments will be removed immediately. 

Thank you for reading.

Chloe x

ALPHABET SEX *CHARDRE* **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now