7: School

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A few days later at school, Charlie walks a few metres away from me with his friends. I hold back a few metres until Charlie says goodbye to his friends and stands outside of the classroom he's in next. The same one as me.

"Hey, can we talk?" I ask.

"Uhh... Sure." Charlie sounds hesitant. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I'm sorry I didn't stick around while you were being treated in the hospital," I start. "I wanted to but I needed to get back home. I didn't want my mum to worry."

"I passed out!" Charlie replies. "And you just left me to it. And guess what? I have to take co-codamol and I was also told that you are to keep an eye on me just in case anything happens! I don't want you to keep an eye on me, I'm perfectly capable of taking drugs myself. I don't get addicted to drugs!"

"Charlie, I-" 

"Leo, I don't care! We're not doing whatever we were doing anymore. Fuck it!" Charlie exclaims.

"Are we still friends?" I ask, upset.

"Friends?!" Charlie retorts. "Friends?! After what happened, do you really think I want to be friends with you?"

"What did I even do?" I ask, annoyed and confused.

"Leo, can we talk about this in a private place, we're attracting people?" Charlie lowers his voice, leaning into me. I nod and we walk off to the bathroom and into a cubicle together. "Leo, I'm sorry, I can't be doing this with you."

"Why? What's the matter?" I ask.

"Leo, I like you," Charlie replies, bluntly. "And I don't want to just mess around with you. I want to be with you. But I'm too scared to tell my friends that I'm even... Bi. It must've been easy for you, you're... Gay. Leo, I really like you and I want to be with you but I just don't know what to do about coming out and what my mates are gonna think. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be," I reply. "I didn't realise, Charlie. I'm glad you opened up to me. Thank you. Thank you for trusting me."

"No, thank you!" Charlie smiles, still looking incredibly uncomfortable on the toilet seat. "Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. This time, I really did need you to talk to."

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me!" I demand, softly, as I lean in. Our lips meet, and the kiss finally feels like it has a meaning.

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