Chapter 2

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Lovino's mind was blank he felt numb. Was that his name?... No no! It couldn't be! H-he had a family and they needed him! He couldn't just go and be a sacrifice for a stupid god!

Feli and his grandfather were pale and looked at Lovino then frantically tried to reach him to protect him or do anything they could but they were too late.

Strong arms picked him up swiftly taking him up him out of their reach. He tried to reach for his brother but was only pulled further away then carried out of the building.

Lovino was pulled into another building. He was numb. He felt nothing and empty.

The horror and sadness on felis face made him want to get out of the mans grip and run over to feli and tell him everything would be ok.

But he couldn't the man was too strong, he was pulled away too fast and he was overwhelmed with shock that he couldn't think straight even if his life depended on it, which it did.

He sat there for who knows how long but suddenly the door opened and a man walked inside. He was a small man that looked more like a priest than a bodyguard. 

"Here wear this then we will bring you out to... be sacrificed" the priest looked at him as if to pity him then gave him a black toga.

This color meant death. The color black so gloomy and lifeless. Just like he felt at that moment.

He sighed breaking out of his trance and took of his clothes from the meeting and slipped on the toga.

It was as if they were expecting him to be picked. It fit him perfectly. Not too big or too small in any part.

He looked up at a window which was in the room. Maybe he could escape through there. He took a closer look but it was too high and also had bars over it.

Someone must have tried that before he got here.

He waited a few more minutes at most and there was the priest  from earlier and there were four stronger looking men. They were probably there to keep him from running away.

"It's time Lovino."

He stared at them for a moment not wanting to move but sighed and slowly got up.

He walked out of the room and the men immediately surrounded him. The priest walk in front guiding them through the building which seemed like a maze to him.

After a few minutes of silent walking they came to a door. Someone opened it from the outside and Lovino was pushed through it a bit to harshly.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He glared at the man that had pushed him. He didn't feel like starting an argument but also didn't want everyone to treat him like crap now that he was the chosen sacrifice.

The man shrugged "you looked like you weren't going to go through the door"

Lovino gritted his teeth wanting to cuss out the man but honestly just wanted to go home and forget this was happening.

He looked around noticing that he was outside in the town square but there was no one in sight.

Where was everyone? He at least wanted to see feli and nonno one last time. But he was just pushed on walking through the town which was eerily deserted.

He realized where they were after thinking about it while they walked. They had probably kept them in the building so they wouldn't come after him.

He really needed a tomato to calm down his thoughts but everything of his had been taken in seconds and they probably wouldn't let him stop by his house to get a tomato.

They walked past the entrance to the village and started walking down a winding dirt road.

He looked around as they entered the dense forest. It had turned almost completely black but outside of the forest it was a beautiful sunset. It was a bit ironic everything outside of this damn forest was great nothing going wrong but here and now everything was going wrong. 

After what seemed like an hour of walking in silence but he knew it was probably only ten minutes they walked up to a tree. This want a normal tree, it's not like it was glowing or shiny or any of that crap it was different because everything around it looked dead. The grass, the dirt, the tree itself looked like it was about to die but is still for some reason had green-ish leaves. 

Next thing he knew he was being pushed against the tree and tied to it. What the hell were they doing they couldn't just leave him here on a dead tree waiting for some imaginary god to come and kill him. 

"Oi, you can't just leave me here! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He shouted at them once they had tied him to the tree. "We have to and if we don't he won't come and he will be angry for ten years." The priest said before turnin and walking down the path with te other four men. 

"Fuck you guys!" He spat at them but they kept walking. He watched them until it became too dark for him too see them anymore. 

"Great. Alone in a freaky forest where some 'god' is supposed to come and kill me." He mutterd to himself as he looked at the ground kicking at the dead grass. 

Suddenly there was a light in front of him. He looked at it but it too stron for him to look straight at but it was realy far away. He trie to glare at it not sure what it was but got a little scared because these were probably his last moments. The light slowly got closer taking on a human shape. 

Then he heard something. He looked to his side very confused. Was that running? Suddenly he saw a figure runnjng toward him. The man had brown hair and green eyes built that wasn't what scared him the most about the man. What scared him the most was the glint of a silver dagger held in his hand. 

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