Chapter 11

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Gilbert Beilshmidt was angry. All the gods had woken up that morning confused as to why two people were missing and one of them was a god. He had sent his brother to go kill the village that held his runaway sacrifice but the village was still there and people acting like nothing happened. He hadn't seen Lovino arrive at the meeting but some of his friends described him and Gil wasn't any happier. 

Gil had went out of the meeting in a slight rage, which wasn't good for a god and especially for the god of death. He went to the village where his brother should at least be unless he ran away but why would he? Lud was the god of wars so he wasn't a wimp. 

When he got to the village people avoided him. They obviously did so because of his unnatural appearance. He had snow white hair and deep scarlet eyes, who wouldn't want to stay far away? He closed his eyes trying to sense his brother.

He was led to a small house at the edge of town. It wasn't in the best shape but he could still tell it was a house. There were vines creeping up the side of the house and the plants were either overgrown or dead. "Mein gott who lives here?..." he muttered to himself before sensing more than one person was in the house. 

There were about four people in the house and... that was odd. He shook his head thinking there were four gods in there but that wasn't possible. Only two were missing and that was Toni and Lud, there were no other gods that could have came here before him either. Anyway the two people went back to feeling like human energies right after that.

He went to knock on the door but just opened it not really caring. He made a few loud noises because the door wasn't in the best shape either and two people laying on the couch woke up almost as soon as he had crossed into the house. 

"Ah hola Gil.." The spaniard said just before he yawned. The smaller Italian laying on top of him blushed a deep red before quickly hiding his face. That was the person he needed. "Hey Lovino, could you come over here?" He asked, knowing that if he wanted to do anything he had to do it now while Antonio was still half asleep and wouldn't quite process things yet. He also, hopefully, wouldn't have to deal with his wrath. 

"Bastardo what do you want?" Lovino mumbled as he got up trying to make his face a lesser shade of red. "Nooooo Loviii" Toni whined still half asleep and grabbed for the Italian pulling him back onto the couch which only made his face grow more red. 

Gil huffed impatiently and grabbed loves wrist pulling him from Tonis grasp. Toni whined but Gil ignored him pulling the Italian out to the front yard. "What the hell do you want potato bastardo?" Lovi said and tried to pull his wrist from the other grasp but Gil wouldn't let go. "You owe me something and I want it now." Gil said with an edge to his voice.

Lovino paled and frantically tried to get away. "N-No! I-I thought w-we settled this awhile ago! Y'know with Toni!" Lovino said his voice rising out of fear. "Nope, he just tried to hide you from me but now I know who you are. You owe me you life."

Lovino shook his head frantically, trying everything to get away. They both turned when there was a loud banging of a door. Toni was carrying an axe and almost glowed from rage. "Let him go." He said menacingly.

Gil stood his ground but had never seen the peaceful forest god get this angry. "Toni he owes me something. Its none of your concern." Antonio scoffed. "It is, let him go and I won't make you regret this." 

The Prussian shook his head and started to back away taking Lovi with him "No-" He got stopped mid sentence as he bumped into someone. Everyone looked up at the man and paled, looking at him with wide eyes. 

This was not part of Gils plan.

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