Chapter 7

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Lovino grinned to himself as he walked back to his room. he never thought that would ever happen but it did. Antonio had to go back to his room an Lovino decided to go back to his own even thought he didn't really want to tell them what had happened and have Kiku freak out. 

Suddenly someone pulled him to the side. Lovino wiped around not sure what was going on but saw it was... Francis? He recognized him because Matthew pointed him out but.. Why would he be over here and looked like he wanted to talk to him. 

"So you ant Antonio are a couple now?" The frenchmen said as he let go of Lovinos arm. "Si i guess.." The frenchmen chuckled softly. "Oh so you fell for him. Did it never cross your mind that he's a god and you are only a mortal? Why would he ever fall for a mortal like you?" Lovino looked at him confused "What? Why would he lie to me? He would never do that I know he wouldn't." 

Francis smirked "Oh really? Haven't you heard any legends where gods use mortals? or where they trick them? I think Antonio is doing that. What reason would he have to love you? He probably took you in to keep you as a plaything for him to use and make life less boring. He is alone to his house most of the time until you came around. Building trust so you wouldn't suspect anything." 

Lovino shook his head "No. H-he would never do that to me!" the frenchmen chuckled and turned on his heel "I think you need to think about what I said. What reasons do we need to have mortals around other than to use them?" Lovino watched the walk off feeling terrible.

Did Antonio feel that way? Just using him Until he got tied of him?.. He started walking back to his room the grin from earlier had disappeared and was nowhere near coming back anytime soon. He opened the door with a creak noticing the lights were still on. His friends looked at him all of them smiling. "so how did it go?" Kiku said in a hopeful tone probably hoping that they had gotten together. 

Lovino stared at them and he started to feel worse. why did they decide to be friends? most of them were Demi-gods... great they probably were messing with him too. Just having him there until they got tired of him. 

He turned on his heel closing the door. He couldn't take it anymore. everyone tricking him, using him, why did he even try anymore? He started going to the door he had entered starting at a walk but ended up full on running. He got to the door remembering that he mite not be able to see the walkway down to the ground. 

Ugh whatever. He opened the door and saw the walkway down which was more like a ramp. He started walking down it wanting to get away from everyone but didn't know actually here he was headed. 

By the time he was at the bottom he was running again through the field and into the forest. It was getting dark so that meant that in the forest it would be really dark. Ugh now he really didn't know where he was going but he just kept running. 

He ran for a long time he wasn't sure exactly how long but he knew the sun was down past the horizon. It was getting colder and Lovino was starting to shiver a bit. Dammit why hadn't he grade a coat or something? 

He stopped out of breath and rubbed his eyes. No h-he wasn't going to cry here and now not because of that stupid bastardo... he rubbed his eyes again but it didn't work. He started to cry he felt so betrayed by everyone.... how could he be so stupid in not seeing it sooner... it wasn't like he cared anymore. He hated that bastardo and his 'friends'. Why did he open himself up to people? He knew he would get hurt but he thought.... he though this time would be different. 

He took a shaky breath and wiped his eyes going back to running. He had to get away from everyone. He couldn't trust anyone anymore. 

Suddenly there was a break in the forest. He looked around immediately recognizing where he was but how had he gotten here? He was next to his tomato garden in the back of his and felis house. 

He walked up to the house slowly noticing that things weren't kept like they usually were. The tomatoes looked like they hadn't been watered in a long time. The house looked like it hadn't been kept up like it usually was. Oh dio was feli ok? He couldn't be.... with the house looking like this.. he would never let it look like this no matter what. 

He walked to the back window looking inside. He saw feli it looked like he had been crying but there was someone else there... it was a blond haired man with blue eyes. He should have felt happy but he wasn't... feli had moved on. He had never let any of his friends stay the night so this man must have been really close to feli. 

He saw the bond man look to him. Fuck he had been spotted. Well whatever it didn't matter now feli was convinced he was dead. He sat down under the windowsill. He could feel warm tears going down is face. He didn't care now he didn't care about anything now. No one cared about him or they though the was dead and gone. He curled up in the fetal position crying silently. There was nothing he could do now and no one to go to. Why do the gods lie?

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