Chapter 8

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Antonio knew something was wrong. He had left grinning like an idiot and went to his room. All the gods had separate room according to what they looked over. Antonio was waiting for lights out when he heard a knock on his door. 

He opened it seeing a very worried group of Demi-gods and a mortal. "Whats wrong?" he asked looking at them he knew who they were and suddenly realized Lovino wasn't with them. Kiku was the first to talk. "When Lovino came back from talking with you, we asked what had happened and he stared at us and walked off. When we opened the door he was gone and we didn't know what to do except come to you.." 

His eyes widened. No Lovino wouldn't just run off with out telling him. But he wasn't with them and its not like they had any reasons to like. They were friends with Lovino.

"Ok. I'll go look at the front you guys can look in the other places." They nodded and quick ran off leaving Antonio one again. He quickly went to all the places Lovino had been that day but he was nowhere. He sighed no going to give up this soon none of the others had said anything to him which worried him.

He walked to the very front and saw the door had been opened. No Lovino wouldn't do that he couldn't even see the ramp up here. He quickly opened the door and looked down sighing in relief when he didn't see anyone down there. 

He looked over his shoulder and didn't se any of the others coming and decided to walk out here to look for him. He closed the door quickly going down the ramp. It was really dark out side the sun was setting and he didn't hear anyone around him. He looked around seeing if there were any recent paths into the forest and saw one. 

He ran to that path and started going down it. He could see that someone had been here recently but they wee probably really far away by now. He hoped it was Lovino but also hoped it wasn't because it was getting closer outside and Lovino was a mortal so it wasn't good for him.

He ran for awhile down the same path it didn't seem to be heading anywhere just forwards which was a bit odd. He knew he wasn't going to his house or anywhere near it after awhile because it was going in the wrong direction. He could feel the chill in the air getting more worried. He wasn't going to stop not until he found Lovino or he found out where this path went and who it belonged to. 

There was a sudden break in the trees and the path came to an end. He looked around not knowing where her was but he saw the tomato plants and assumed it was someones garden in the village. He walked toward the house which didn't look in the best of shape at the moment. 

He looked at it then saw something or more like someone under the windowsill of the house. He rushed her knowing the cold wouldn't be good for them. He gasped when he saw the curl coming off his head. He picked Lovino up setting him on his lap. He was really cold, colder than he should be.

Antonio frowned and looked around fro something to wrap around Lovino. He cursed when there was nothing around. He went over to the edge of the forest getting a leaf blanket out of the leaves off of the trees. He wrapped it around Lovino trying to warm him up then remembered the house.

He walked up to it holding Lovino in his arms covered in a blanket. He got to the door and knocked on it hoping someone was home. He heard some people on the inside moving around and after awhile the door opened. He realized that he probably should have gone to the front because it was really weird for someone to be knocking at the back door. 

The person opened it anyways and Antonio recognized him immediately. It was ludwig.. but what was he doing in a moral village? He ignored his thoughts and looked at ludwig. "I need to come inside and help my.. friend." He hated calling Lovino his friend but he didn't want everyone knowing they were a couple not yet. 

ludwig frowned looking at the spaniard. Antonio watched as ludwig turned and talked to someone before turning back to him and nodding. "Ja you can come in." Ludwig moved out of the way and Antonio quickly got Lovino into the hose careful not to hurt him more in the process. 

Antonio saw a fire place and went to it holding Lovino close to it but not to close to where he would get burned or caught on fire because of the leaves. Ludwig walked over to him seeing the worried look on his face. "Do you want me to get a better blanket for your friend?" Antonio nodded he felt terrible for leaving Lovino. He had seemed ok when he left him but something could have happened. 

A young man walked up to Antonio and sat in the other car by the fireplace. He looked like loving but young, had lighter hair, and his eyes were amber. The man smiled a bit at him looking as if he had been crying earlier. "Ciao I'm Feliciao. But you can call me feli... what is you name?" 

"My name is Antonio. Nice to meet you feli I'm glad you let us into your house..." he looked down at Lovino worried then ludwig came back with a real blanket. He took the blanket from the german gratefully and took the makeshift leaf blanket off of Lovino.

He saw the Italians eyes widen when he looked at Lovino but Antonio quickly covered him up again. He held Lovinio close because he was still a little cold but he was warming up to almost normal temperature. He looked over at feli seeing his expression. "Is something wrong?" he asked a bit concerned not sure why he was looking at Lovino like that.

Feli shook his head "No its not that... is... is that mans name Lovino?"Antonio was a bit shocked that feli knew his name then it dawned on him. This must be the village Lovino came from.

Antonio nodded. "Si. His name is Lovino."

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