Chapter 12

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The man that Gil had bumped into did not looked happy like he usually did. His bright amber eyes darkened with anger and his usual smile was replaced with a frown.

He looked a bit like Lovino but had more curls and was taller. "Nonno?.." Lovino said softly, stunned that his grandfather could strike so much fear into the others.

Gil let go of the Italians wrist and backed away from the man who was Romulus. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know sir."

"You better be glad you're not one of my children or you would regret what you just did much more." Romulus said with an even tone but it had an edge to it that frightened everyone.

"I'm sorry. I won't do anything or kill anyone just please don't hurt me." Gil said his face had gone even more pale than it usually was. Lovino and Antonio watching the ordeal unfold in silence.

"No. I won't deal with your nonsense anymore." Romulus walked up to the albino, who slowly started sinking into the earth his mouth handing open slightly.

"Nonono! You can't send me back there!" He said frantically trying anything to keep himself above ground.

"Yes I can and I will." Romulus said before Gil was sucked up by the ground. Everything went silent between the three as Lovino and Antonio watched the ground until it settled back to a solid state.

Romulus turned to Toni, he still looked like he was going to murder anyone he set eyes on. Lovino stepped in front of Romulus defensively, not letting him hurt Toni or do whatever he did to Gil.

Romulus smiled a bit at the elder Italian and gently ruffled his hair avoiding the curl. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I didn't think he would still want to kill you.." He said with a sigh as Lovino slowly relaxed but glared half hearted lay up at him.

"What the hell did you do to him!? He was eaten by the ground." Lovino said slightly worried at how his grandfather had just done that like it was nothing.

"Oh I just sent him back down to hades so he can stay in a bit of a time out there until he calms down about not getting to kill you." He shrugged casually like that was a normal occurrence.

"What!? You can't just send someone to hades!" Lovino said clearly freaking out not understanding a bit of this.

"I'm the king of the gods, I can do what I want." Romulus said proudly and smiled down at Lovino.

"Nope! I'm not doing this today! Too much god shit going on for my liking"

"But you're a god too. I kept it from you because I knew you would freak out and you're a little new to this.." He sighed heavily when Lovino walked into the house not taking him seriously at all. "He's never going to believe me.." He muttered to himself.

Antonio had relaxed a little and his battle axe dissolved as he let go of it, looking at Romulus. "I didn't know-"

"I know it's fine. I would have done something about it a long time ago if I had a problem with it." Romulus said then walked past going into the house to try and talk some sense into his two Italian children.

Everyone was called into the living room and sat down. Antonio and Lovino sat together, he had somehow convinced him to actually listen to his grandfather instead of ignoring him.

"So I know, Lovino, you think I'm crazy but I'm telling you the truth. You both are gods but I hid it from you. You were kept in this village for your own safety and that you could be told at the right time. Now I need to take off your bracelets." Romulus said, getting up from his seat and went to the boys.

"Wait but we don't have any bracelets, see?" Lovino held up his wrist confused but soon a thin gold band appeared on his wrist. It had writing on it which was small and in no language that he knew of or could read.

Romulus put his hand on it and it split in half falling off his wrist, he went over to feli and did the same. He suddenly felt a surge of power going through every part of him.

Maybe he hadn't lied after all. 

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