Chapter 4

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Lovino had stayed at Antonio's place for a while. He wasn't sure how long exactly how long he had been there because there were no calendars and he had lost count of how many days he had been there.

Lovino had to do most of the work like cleaning, washing clothes, tending to the tomatoes which was his favorite, and cooking. He didn't mind doing this because at least Antonio was nice about it and the work wasn't that hard he was done with most of it pretty quickly.

Antonio had gotten him new clothes to replace his black toga because that was a huge target on his back for anyone or god that saw him.

Lovino was wearing his new toga because gods were weird like that and didn't wear normal clothes. Lovino had gotten used to Antonio's odd schedule of waking up early for breakfast then leaving and coming back for lunch.

He didn't really question where he went or what he was doing because well Antonio was a god so he probably was doing stuff gods do.

But this day was different.. Lovino was eating lunch he had waited at least an hour before eating thinking he mite have just been late or something but he didn't come.

Lovino went to the tomato fields like he usually did but by this time Antonio was helping him pick them.

It felt odd with out him there with him singing, talking to him, or just keeping him company which was nice... No! It was annoying and he hated it! He hated that stupid tomato forest bastardo. He's so charming, playful, smiley and lovely... No stupid and annoying! H-he hated that bastardo!

He stood up from leaning over the tomato plants. Fuck what was he thinking? He couldn't like a god. Heh that bastardo probably didn't like him back.. Antonio probably just kept him around because he kept his 'house' clean while he was gone even though he was terrible at cleaning.

He leaned back down picking the tomatoes. He ate a few as he went trying to keep himself occupied as he worked.

After awhile he heard something from the entrance of their home. He looked up hearing footsteps coming to the garden.

"Hola lovi!" The spaniard smiled brightly looking at Lovino. He glared at the spaniard "why are you so damn late idiota?"

"Oh... No reason.. But there is a meeting for gods coming up. I was told today and I was wondering if you wanted to join me."

"Why the hell would I want to o to a damn gods high and mighty meeting? They are all shit anyways"

"Loviii. I can take you and you can meet some of my friends and others that I'm currently on good terms with..."

"Sounds great" he said sarcastically "I'm going to make dinner because your lazy ass took to long to get home"

The spaniard smiled "ok lovi. Lo siento about getting home so late.."

He rolled his eyes then went to the kitchen. He started to make pasta slightly smiling as he remembered an Italian song he would always hum when he made pasta.

He remembered the song making sure he didn't hum or sing it in front of that bastardo. Then he felt arms hug him from behind around his midsection.

He looked back seeing Antonio then blushed and pushed him away. "D-don't do that idiota!"

The spaniard pouted "I only wanted to know what was for dinner." Lovino crossed his arms going back to cooking "you don't jut go up to people and do that idiota! You could have just asked."

"Well I did want a hug too but you never hug me back." He could hear the pout and little bit of sadness in the spaniard a voice. He did feel a little tiny bit bad for the guy but not enough to do anything because... he hated the bastardo and his weird turtle obsession!

Seriously though it was an obsession. The day he found out he would never forget but that was a story for another time.

"Lovi look a turtle!" The spaniard smiled holding the turtle close to him.

"Dammit get that thing away from me!" He yelled backing away from the turtle as much as he could without getting too close to the hot food.

He grabbed the nearest weapon which happened to be a wooden spoon and pointed it at Antonio. "Get that damn thing away from me or no dinner!"

"Lovi don't be so cruel!" Antonio looked at him a little hurt and sighed setting down one of his many turtles patting it's head.

He sighed finally finishing the pasta and handed Antonio a plate "here bastardo" Antonio smiled taking the plate "gracias lovi" he watched the spaniard smile happily sitting down in a chair eating his food happily.

Lovino shook his head slightly smiling eating his food. Damn bastardo why does he have to be so happy about everything. 

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