Chapter 6

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Lovino got out if Antonio's arms as soon as they went through the doors. He grumbled glaring at the spaniard and the other people in the room that were looking at him, his face burning red.

He watched as Antonio walked over to some people and started talking to them. One of the men was white haired and looked like he had red eyes. The other had long wavy blond hair who could almost be mistaken as a girl but just eh no.

He looked around more seeing different gods or what he assumed were gods because he sure as hell wasn't a god. He leaned back on a wall noticing someone looking at him. Fantastic someone had noticed him well technically everyone had but outside of the whole coming in here being held by Antonio.

He sighed crossing his arms not looking at the man who was currently staring at him giving off a go away from me I don't want to talk air.

The man started walking to him anyways. Fuck what was he going to do now? He wasn't good at talking to people all he ever did was insult them until the hopefully left.

The man walked right up to him looking a little scared. He had blond hair and a curl like his but it went I front of his face he also had glasses which were rare to see because they were a pretty new invention.

"H-hey... so you're new here right?" The blond said in a hushed tone. Lovino looked at him noticing that the man was a bit taller.

"Yeah." He replied wondering why he asked that because it was pretty obvious he was new.

"Ok.. if you want you can come over and talk with us. We aren't gods like they are most of us are mortals or Demi-gods." He was still talking in a hushed tone and he didn't seem like that bad of a guy to be around. "Yeah sure. I don't have anything better to do."

The blond nodded and started walking to a small group of people then looked back at Lovino like he forgot something "oh I forgot. My names Matthew." Lovino nodded "mines Lovino."

"Nice to meet you Lovino. Here's the rest of the group" he motioned to the small group which they were now apart of the small circle.

He looked around studying the faces of the people in the small group. There were five people there including Matthew. They all looked at him then one stepped forwards.

"Yo dude, my names Alfred. What's yours?" Lovino looked at him noticing he had a cowlick and also had glasses like Matthew "Lovino"

Alfred introduced him to the rest of the people there. There was a man with a cow lick and glasses with brown hair his name was Roderich. One was a younger looking boy and his name was Peter. There was an Asian man that didn't seem to talk much and his name was Kiku.

The only one that was a mortal like Lovino was Matthew the rest were Demi-gods who were with different gods.

They talked to each other for most of the day. They talked about almost everything kiku even started talking when they talked about who they liked but Lovino didn't join that. Kiku went on about who he 'ships' and when he started taking about how Antonio and Lovino would be a cute couple he dented every bit of it.

He found out that all if them were with different gods for sometimes different reasons. Alfred, peter, and Matthew were with Arthur and Francis because they were their adopted sons. Roderich was with Elizaveta because she was the only godess that would take him in. Kiku was with someone named Ludwig because they were allies. He wasn't there at the meeting that day which seemed to trouble the Asian man.

It started to get dark and Alfred went over to Lovino. "Dude we need to show you our room it's really cool." He looked at Alfred "why? It's not like I'll be sleeping with you guys." Alfred shook his head smiling "you are going to sleep with us because you are our friend. Why wouldn't we let you sleep with us?" 

He shrugged "oh ok." he felt happy that he finally had some friends of his own that weren't just felis friends. He even allowed himself to slightly smile as Alfred took him to the room where the rest were.

He opened the door and wen in looking around. There were six beds three on each wall. He sighed seeing that they weren't tree bed things like Antonio had at his house. He walked over flopping onto the only open bed.

"Lights out in ten minutes." Alfred said laying back on his own bed. "Ok.. damn theses beds are soft." He said. The American chuckled "yeah they are-" there was a knock on their door.

Lovino sat up on his elbows looking at the others who looked just as confused as he was. Kiku got off of his bed and opened the door. they all stayed quiet trying to figure out who had knocked on their door. Before they could find out who Kiku motioned to Lovino for him to come over there. He raised an eyebrow and got off the bed walking to the door.

Kiku pushed Lovino through the door and whispered "good luck" before closing the door and leaving him in the hallway with Antonio. Ugh why had that bastardo knocked on his door this late? And how did he know where he was sleeping? 

The spaniard grinned at him but he looked a little nervous. "Lovi I want to show you something." he looked at the suspiciously. "ok.." Antonio walked to a small balcony that was on the hallway. Loving followed him wondering why there were going here and why Antonio seemed so nervous. 

"Hey Anto-" he was stopped by a pair of warm lips on his. The kiss ended as soon as it had started. He looked at Antonio wide eyed not sure what to do. Antonio looked at the ground then took a breath looking directly at him. "Te amo, Lovino." He smiled a bit "Ti amo troppo." 

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