Chapter 4 - A Journey

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Chapter 4

A Journey

"Aloysius Starkweather is the most stubborn, hypocritical, obstinate, degenerate -" Charlotte cut herself off, her mouth hardening into such a thin line that Minerva McGonagall would have been proud. Everyone was in the drawing room, waiting anxiously as Charlotte read the letter to herself.

"Would you like a thesaurus?" Will inquired, sprawled on an armchair with his muddy boots on the ottoman. "You seem to be running out of words."

"And is he really degenerate?" Jem asked, he had sunk into the other armchair, hardly visible at all. "I mean, the old codger's almost ninety - surely past real deviancy."

"I don't know. You'd be surprised at what some of the old fellows over at the Devil Tavern get up to." Will mused, one eyebrow rising.

"Nothing anyone you know might get up to would surprise us, Will." Jessamine said from under a damp cloth. She's been having a heachache lately that wouldn't go away.

Henry moved to stand behind Charlotte, "Darling, are you quite all right? You look a bit - splotchy." Henry was correct; Charlotte had red patches of anger broken out on her face and neck.

"I think it's charming," Will commented, barely looking at Charlotte. "I've heard polka dots are the last word in fashion season."

"Would you like a cool cloth?" Henry and Charlotte ignored Will. With his hand on her shoulder, Henry asked "What can I do to help?" It was so adorable.

Mutinously, Charlotte said "You could ride up to Yorkshire and chop that old goat's head off."

Much as any clueless man would do, Henry replied; "Wouldn't that make things rather awkward with the Clave? They're not generally very receptive about, you know, beheadings and things."

Charlotte sunk back into the chair with despair. "Oh! It's all my fault, isn't it? I don't know why I thought I could win him over. The man's a nightmare."

"What did he say exactly?" Will asked. "In the letter, I mean."

As the conversation carried into why the Fairchilds and the Starkweathers had a falling out, and as to why Aloysius was a plain-awful person, Evan was studying them with intensity. There are somethings that her Aunt Cassie left out about everyone like the way Charlotte's face creases with worry at the slightest sign of distress but it reaches her eyes when it involves one of the children that she and Henry took in. Like how Will will look to Jem when he thinks nobody's looking but studiously avoids Tessa except when they're alone. Aunt Cassie left out that Jessamine's face is always twisted into an ugly smile and how Sophie's always wearing a little smile and takes care of everyone like an older sister, rather than a servant. How Jem watches Tessa like nobody else is in the room but Tessa doesn't notice Will or Jem until she's alone with them.

But then Evan was roped into an idea.

"Even the more reason why I should go," Will was saying.

"If it's a pretty face that he enjoys," Evan piped up, though not interrupting anyone. "I'm totally in."

Charlotte seemed to consider it. Then she sighed, "It seems a fool's errand. He isn't likely to tell you anything if he knows I sent you. If only -"

"Charlotte," Tessa interrupted softly, "there is a way to make him tell us."

"Tessa, what do you -" Hope flashed in Charlotte's eyes. "Oh, I see, Tessa, what an excellent idea."

A brief explanation of Tessa's plan was announced and Jem promptly followed up with "Then, you'll come with us to Yorkshire." Which led to another small debate before Tessa decided that she'd go because she wanted to ride the train.

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