Chapter 01

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If you haven't read or seen Agent G.U.N Amy Rose story on or Youtube, be sure to see it. I did not wanna put the first one on Wattpad because my grammar was too sucky. So I'll just do the sequel.

I don't own the Sonic characters. They belong to SEGA/Archie.


It's been a few months since Sonic joined G.U.N and is now agent on fulltime. He wears now a leather vest, leather pants and dark blue sunglasses and fingerless gloves. He still had tattoos on his arms like Amy.

Sonic was training to increase his abilities, like his speed, physical strength and even stamina. He was running on a machine that counts his speed and it was rising every time, right now his speed was at medium. He stops the machine and walks to the bench to rest and gets the towel over his shoulder.

"Phew, not even breaking a sweat" he said. He takes a sip from a water bottle and is about to practice his flexibility. He spins around rings hanging from the ceiling. Just then Shadow comes in the training room.

"Hey Faker. Can you come down please?" Shadow said to Sonic who was still spinning like if he could win a Olympic gold medal. Shadow then sighs and shouts.

"COME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Shadow shouts and Sonic comes down.

"Ugh, what is it now Shads?" Sonic asked Shadow.

"We got a mission for you and Rose, Faker. And please don't call me Shads" Shadow said annoyed to Sonic. Sonic rubs the towel on his neck and smiles.

"And what mission is it?" he asked Shadow.

"Eggman is on it again, letting his eggpawns on the loose in Station Square" Shadow tells Sonic and shows him a hologram of the eggpawns attacking cars and buildings.

"Yes sir, I'll get Ames and we get to Station Square" Sonic salutes and gets to the locker room and changes to his outfit.


In the hallway Amy was walking around. She was now wearing black t-shirt, black pants with holster for Colt 1911's and grenades. She still had tattoos on the arms and makeup on her face. Then Sonic rushes up behind her. She turns around and sees him.

"Are you ready for this mission Amy? It's Eggman's robots on the loose in Station Square" Sonic tells Amy. Amy gets a smirk on his face and pats Sonic's shoulder.

"Bet I am Sonic" Amy said to Sonic and they run to Station Square at full speed.


At Station Square, some smaller eggpawns are tearing cars and streets apart and the big ones breaking windows and walls on some buildings. People were screaming in panic as the military tries to handle the robots. The bullets where just bouncing off them and a few robots where taken down by grenades and bazooka missiles.

"We need back up" one soldier said and dodges the energy blasts from the robots.

"G.U.N is sending supports to us" another soldier shouts to the soldier.

Then they see something blue and pink coming towards them.

"Is that Sonic?"

"Yes it is and he's got his partner with him" one soldier said.

Sonic and Amy jumped above the soldiers and stands in front of some eggpawns.

"Ready to kick some metal butt, Sonikku?" Amy asked Sonic.

"Yes I am" Sonic smirked and attacks the robots with his spin dashing.

Some robots try to shoot at him but Amy jumped in and places a grenade between a eggpawn's arm. It then blew off the robot's arm and left it one armed. It then charged at her and she just grins and takes out her guns and shoots at the eyes, leaving the robot blind.

"Is that all you got? I'm just getting warmed up" Amy taunted the eggpawn and dodges it's remaining arm as it goes berserk and smashes another eggpawns head. Then one gigantic robot fell next to her. Sonic then jumped in front of her.

"Wow, that's a great fight Ames. I'm pumped up" Sonic joked.

"No time to joke Sonic, we must save those people" Amy said as she points at some people being chased by smaller eggpawns.

"Let's do it" Sonic tells Amy as they jump between wrecked buildings and cars to reach the citizens. The citizens gets to a dead end as the robots gets closer to them.

"We are doomed" said a girl to her parents as she hides behind them.

The citizens screamed as the eggpawns is about to kill them when Sonic and Amy lands in front of them.

"Back off citizens. We'll handle this!" Sonic tells the trapped citizens as he and Amy attacks the robots. A few seconds later they were destroyed.

"Are you okay citizens?" Amy asked them.

They all nodded and suddenly cheered for them.

Sonic then pats Amy on the back.

"You did a good work Amy" Sonic said to Amy.

"You too Sonikuu" Amy said as she kissed Sonic on the cheek.

He blushes a little. They later destroy the remaining eggpawns.


At the G.U.N Base

"Congratulations Agent Sonic and Agent Amy. You did a good job on saving Station Square and its citizens" Shadow greeted Sonic and Amy.

"Thanks Shadow" they both said to him.

"You are both welcome and right now you two can take a break for a while. We'll call you both when we need you" Shadow then tells Sonic and Amy and walks off.

Sonic then looks at Amy and grabs her by her arm.

"You heard that Ames? We are on a break" Sonic said to Amy.

"Yeah, let's go home" Amy replied to him.


Later on Sonic and Amy is at their home and watched TV. They are watching The Big Lebowski and Sonic places his arm behind Amy's neck. She gets annoyed and flicks it away with a finger. Sonic then looks at Amy and so did she.

"What are you staring at? My body? You know what happens when you stare at these" Amy asked Sonic a little bit grumpy and points at her chest.

"Nah, just your beauty" Sonic smiled as Amy's expression changes to an smirk.

She then snuggles on his chest as he smooth her quills.

"I was staring at your tattoos" Amy said as she closed her eyes.

"Yours are cool too" Sonic replied and continues to watch the movie at the scene where Walter and the Dude conforts the Big Lebowski and Walter lifts up Lebowski from his chair.

Sonic chuckles at that scene and so did Amy.

Agent G.U.N SonAmyWhere stories live. Discover now