Chapter 15

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After the last fight with the Anti-freedom fighters and the Babylon gang, Sonic and his friends are taking a break from G.U.N.

Rouge was on her way to Angel Island while Amy is having medical treatment for being injured by Fiona.

"I really feel bad for Amy, especially when she gets hurt and seeing Sonic feeling sad" Rouge said to herself as she approached Angel Island.

"Now I have to spend some time with Knuckie" she then smirked and flew over Knuckles who was laying next to the Master emerald and is eating grapes, his favorite fruit. He grabs each grape with his long tongue like a real echidna. Rouge laid down on the Master Emerald, wanting to have fun with Knuckles.

"Hey, Knuckie" Rouge said to Knuckles.

"Huh? Whoa!" Knuckles opened his eyes and jumped on his feet.

"What is it this time, Rouge?" Knuckles asked Rouge. She gets down from the emerald.

"Oh, just spending some time with you precious echidna" Rouge said with a flirty voice and rubs his cheek with her hand.

"I see, you are not here to steal the Master Emerald right?" Knuckles asked.

"No no no, I haven't seen you for long and mind if I sit next to you and enjoying the grapes?" Rouge had her hands on Knuckles shoulder.

They both sat down in front of the emerald.

"I got a spare pair of grapes here so here you go" Knuckles hands over a bunch of grapes to Rouge. She took the grapes and started to eat them while leaning on Knuckles shoulder. He flushed a little but ignored it with an annoyed sigh while eating his grapes.


At the hospital, Amy is having medical treatments with her injuries. The doctor unwraps the bandage on her left arm to see the wounds.

"Okay Miss Rose, this might sting a bit" the doctor put a piece of cotton with painkilling liquid on the wounds on Amy's arm. She winced a little but the doctor removed the cotton from the wounds.

"So, who caused these wounds?" the doctor asked Amy. Amy thought of a lie and came up with one since she didn't wanna tell what really happened to her arm since Fiona slashed her arm.

"I got clawed by a tiger when me and Sonic were on vacation in India" Amy told the doctor with a lie.

"Mmhm? I see, now, you have to wear the bandage for a few days and when they are fully healed we'll remove them with laser surgery to not let them be ugly scars" the doctor told Amy and wrapped the bandage back to place. Amy then walked out from the hospital; she walked her way home. When she arrived, she goes upstairs to her bedroom to take a nap. She folds her right arm behind her head with her left hand on her stomach.

"Hm, I wonder what's next for me and Sonikku?" Amy said for herself and fell asleep. She dreamed of the day when she and Sonic gets married and having children with Sonic playing with the first one and she holding the second one. Amy gets a smile on her face while sleeping deeply. Just then, Sonic came back home.

"Ames I'm home" Sonic called for Amy and she wakes up from her dream and walks down the stairs to give him a gently hug.

"Feels great that we'll never see that green pervert again" Sonic said while hugging Amy. They pulled from the hug soon.

"Yeah and Sonikku, I just had a sweet dream before you came, I dreamed of our future" Amy said.

"Wow, can you describe it?" Sonic asked Amy; she noded.

"Well it was about when we get married and having children. I wonder if you would be a great husband and father" Amy explained her dream to Sonic. Sonic sweat drops and scratches his neck.

"Well, I would be but we can wait with that Ames" Sonic said to Amy for being not ready to be a husband or father.

"Okay Sonic, we'll wait for a few weeks or months maybe"


Meanwhile, Silver is listening to 'Going Under' by Evanescence. Blaze then came in to the room and saw Silver. Silver saw her and takes off his headphones and walks up to Blaze. She looked at him curiously.

"Blaze? Have you ever listened to any Evanescence songs?" Silver asked.

"Yeah. I love that band. Why you ask?" Blaze said.

"Well.....Because I'm........a rockstar" Silver blushed.

"Really? Can you show how amazing you are at playing electric guitar?" Blazed wanted to see Silver playing and singing.

"Well of course sweetie" Silver smiled and takes up his Electric guitar and played on it while singing 'Haunted'.

Blaze enjoyed hearing Silver singing his version of Haunted. Minutes later he was done and placed the guitar next to the couch.

He then sat next to Blaze and she snuggles on his chest fur.

"You are a great rock-star Silver" Blaze said while snuggling.

"Thanks Blaze"


Back to Sonic and Amy's home, Sonic is laying on the couch eating Cheetos and watched Godzilla 2014. He really liked the new style of Godzilla but wondered why he looks fat in this one. Amy was taking a shower and then came out and dried herself and takes on a pink robe. She saw Sonic at the living room and goes to the couch to join him watching the movie; she put her head on his chest.

"Aww, you look so cute when you do that" Sonic said. Amy looked up on him in the eyes.

"And you are cute when you say that" Amy replied on Sonic's comment. They are at the scene where the two M.U.T.O's meets and looks like they are kissing. Amy thought that it looked kind a cute when they did that, even though they are the main villain monsters.

"The biggest couple of nature huh?" Sonic joked. Amy giggles at the joke and kisses Sonic. Just then, Tails came down the stairs, wearing a tuxedo and a red tie on his neck. Sonic and Amy turned and saw him.

"Tails? Why are you dressed in a tuxedo?" Sonic asked Tails. Tails scratched his neck and grins sheepishly.

"Well, I'm on a date with Cream tonight Sonic, I have to be stylish and gentle" Tails told Sonic.

"Oh great, seems like Rouge gave you some hints to be a gentleman" Sonic said.

"Yeah, see you two later" Tails said and then leaves and waved good bye. Now Sonic and Amy are alone and are now at the scene where

Godzilla battles the M.U.T.O's. Amy didn't react for the brutal fight on the screen, just staying calm. Sonic folded his arms behind his neck and laid down on the couch while watching. Much later, Sonic and Amy goes to bed and Amy changes to her nightgown while Sonic simply wore undies. He then stares at Amy for a moment; Amy noticed it and smirks.

"Staring at my beauty again?" Amy smirking evilly but kindly. Sonic then blushes.

"Yeah, come here my sexy girl!" Sonic then grabbed her and they kissed passionately. Their weight caused them to land on the bed.

When their tongues wrestled, they moaned and when Amy stroked his quills, he purred in front of her.

"Oh man, not again" Sonic groaned embarrassed. Amy giggled at that.

"Your purring is still cute Sonikku" Amy said.

"Thanks Amy, I love you so much" Sonic said while getting into the blanket.

"I love you too Sonikku" Amy gets also in the blanket and they fell asleep soon.

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