Chapter 03

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At G.U.N base, two G.U.N agents led Scourge into the interrogation room and sat down on a chair near the table. He still has handcuffs on his wrists. Sonic and Amy came in and sat down on each chair in front of Scourge. The blue hedgehog looked sternly at Scourge.

"So... tell us why you are working for Sally" Sonic asked Scourge. He didn't say a word.

"Tell us now" Sonic said seriously to Scourge. Scourge then sighs and then started to talk.

"I made a deal with Sally to take down you and Amy so she can get you back"

Amy wrote this down in a block of papers. Behind a window, Shadow, Rouge and other G.U.N agents is watching them.

"Mmhm? Is there a reason why she wants my Sonikku back?" Amy asked him.

"She thinks that she is happy with Sonic and really dislikes you" Scourge said in a low voice.

Amy's face started to fill with anger but Sonic tells her to calm down. She takes a deep breath.

"But why exactly does she want to get rid of me?" Amy asked Scourge again.

"She wants you to be with me to make you it" Scourge didn't want to say bitch because it may piss off Amy.

Sonic then gets up from his chair and goes around Scourge.

"Ames, can you get out please, I need to talk in privacy with Scourge"

"Okay Sonic" Amy said as she leaves the room and closes the door.

"Okaaaaay Scourge, I'll tell you one thing before we throw you to your cell" Sonic said.

"And what is that?" Scourge started to be nervous.

"Stay away from my girlfriend or you will regret you were ever born, did I make myself CLEAR?!" Sonic said angrily and grabs him.

Scourge then gulps nervously and scared at the same time and nods.

"Good. Guards! Take Scourge to his cell" Sonic tells the guards to get Scourge to his cell.

The guards take Scourge to his cell as Shadow discusses with Sonic and Amy. Just then Silver appeared with Sally in handcuffs. She sighs slightly.

"What took you so long to find her, future boy?" Shadow said.

"Well excuse me, Mr. Ultimate Hedgehog! I was getting my ass beaten up by this pissed off woman here!" he said to Shadow. Silver and Shadow don't get along very well and Silver has changed his attire into a Goth because he wants to act tough and cold rather than naïve. And he likes to do things alone.

"Great job for taking in Sally, Silver. We'll take care of her" Shadow said to Silver as he looks sternly at Sally.

"Let's get into the interrogation room again, shall we?" Amy asked Shadow.

"Very well, Rose" Shadow replied. Sonic and Amy takes Sally in the room.

They then sit down at the chairs.

"So.... Scourge said you made a deal with you to take down me and Amy to bring me to her?" Sonic asked Sally.

"Eh yes, I just can't take it that you are with Amy" Sally said very nervously and shyly.

"Let me tell you something Sally, surely a princess would never betray her kingdom and force someone to be together again? Is that clear?"

Sally's eyes widen and started to feel ashamed.

"Yes, of course" Sally then said. Amy finished writing down from what Sally told them.

"Take her to her cell" Sonic orders the guards to take Sally to the same cell as Scourge.


Amy was in the training room practicing her combat with Sonic. She then judo throws him at the floor but he then gets up.

"Come on Sonic, you can do better than that" Amy said as she moves her finger 'come here'.

"As long I am the fastest thing alive" Sonic replied and gets up and gets into a fighting pose. He then punches really fast in boxing style and Amy blocks some of them. Then they take a break.

"Wow you are great, Sonikku. Can you hand over the water bottle?" she asked him and he throws the water bottle to her hand. Sonic then sat down on a bench and thinks for a moment.

Amy then looks at Sonic in concern. She sat down next to him.

"What is it Sonikku?" Amy asked Sonic and puts her hand on his shoulder. He then sighs.

"Its that I can't believe how Sally has gone mad and working with that green perv" Sonic said very depressed and angry at the same time.

"Calm down Sonic. They are in custody now, it's safe now"

"I hope so" Sonic said and hugs Amy.

Agent G.U.N SonAmyWhere stories live. Discover now