Chapter 23

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Blaze, Silver and Shadow are still fighting their doubles and it doesn't seem to be good for Silver and Blaze.

"Tired kitty cat? What a darn shame!" Fake Blaze taunted Blaze and fires fireballs at her and knocked her back. Blaze gets up and gets a fiery aura around her as her hands glow with flames.

"GRRR!!!! Take this!" Blaze screamed and fires a beam of fire at Fake Blaze, sending her back. She then fires a second beam and this time it knocked Fake Blaze into a gas truck. Blaze then saw her chance to critically damage her double. She fires a fireball at the truck, sending the gas on fire, causing the truck to explode. The force of the explosion sends Blaze to some rubble. When Blaze tries to get up, she grunts in pain.

"Ugh! Now it's my chance to finish her off" Blaze panted and charges up flames in her hands. Fake Blaze gets up from the burning truck. Having most of her skin burned off by the fire.

"Did you think fire would stop me?" Fake Blaze said angrily and charges at Blaze, knocking her hard in the stomach.

"AGH!!!" Blaze coughed up blood and fell on all four. She held one hand at her stomach.

"Pathetic! Now I'm gonna guard the Sol Emeralds!" Fake Blaze extends her claws and started to claw Blaze. Blaze got multiple slashes at her jacket and skin, blood was clearly visible from the slashes she got. Fake Blaze then backhands her and stomped on her stomach. Blaze was too weak to move and Fake Blaze laughed evilly.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Now you die" Fake Blaze charges flames in her hands and prepares to do the killing blow.

"Not YET!" Blaze yelled and finally regained strength just as Fake Blaze is about to kill her and kicks her off her and grabs her feet to throw her at a sharp bar from a rumble, impaling the robot through the chest.

"Say goodnight fake me!" Blaze turns into her super form and fires a very hot beam at Fake Blaze, finally melting her. Blaze turned back to normal and panted. The bleeding from the wounds has stopped.


Silver was dodging Fake Silver's attacks and then Silver got an idea as he took out his whip.

"Hey! Fake me! Over here!" Silver shouted. Before Fake Silver could react, the real Silver hits Fake Silver with the whip, causing his left arm to stop working. Fake Silver growled and lifts up a destroyed jeep car and throws it at Silver but missed. "Keep it up you son of a bitch! When I beat the shit out of you I'll be giving you a painful whip sting right up your ass!" Silver shouted and hits Fake Silver in the eyes, blinding him.

Silver then tied the robot and slammed him up and down on the ground, each time Fake Silver began falling apart. Finally, Silver slammed him hard on the ground with all strength he had, destroying his double for good when the red eyes on the robot shuts down.

"That was very tough battle against me" Silver said exhausted.


Shadow was getting tired due to not having his Black Arms genes despite his invulnerability. Fake Shadow smirked evilly.

"Now I'm taking your life again" Fake Shadow started to pull on the belt, knowing what the belt can do. Shadow head-butts him and slammed his fists together, growling very angry.

"NO!!! This time I'll take your life!!! AAARRGGHHH!!!!" Shadow grabs Fake Shadow and punches him really hard and then the robot's neck started to detach to the body, Shadow saw his chance. He roughly grabs the robot and ripped of the head. Fake Shadow's body collapsed.

Shadow tore out the power source from Fake Shadow's body and crushed it. Red light emerges and got in Shadow's body. He is immortal once again and his powers are also restored.

"All right! Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform is back again!" Shadow grinned, feeling happy that he's back as an immortal half alien hedgehog. Sonic and the gang watched this and goes up to him.

"Great! Our Shadow is back!" Amy cheered and hugged Sonic in a near-death hug.

"Now! Let's stop the Eggman and his army lads!" Shadow said and the team and some G.U.N soldiers followed them to midtown of Station Square and Sonic saw that the large Eggbot is at the bridge where people are screaming in panic.

"Amy, Shadow, follow me. The rest of you, take care the rest of the Egg Pawns!" Sonic ordered the gang and the soldiers.

"Copy that! You heard him, get into the main street and midtown in the city!" a soldier tells the others. Amy and Shadow runs with Sonic to the bridge to save the citizens from the giant robot.

Eggman was watching from his aircraft, growling in anger.

"GAH! My doubles of the heroes failed and Shadow got his Black Arms genes back!" Eggman yelled and slams the desk.

"But sir, you still got the chance to kill the hedgehog and his friends" Decoe told Eggman.

"Yes, and then I have killed them, I'll take care of Shadow again by using the serum again" Eggman's anger changes to a smirk.

At the bridge, people are stuck because the giant upgraded Eggbot has destroyed parts of the bridge. They were screaming as the robot smashes the steel pillars on the bridge. "Open Fire!" a soldier ordered the others to fire at the robot. A few tanks and F-22 raptor jets tried to shoot the upgraded Eggbot with missiles but it slammed them. A van with a family inside glided to the edge and faced death.

"AHHH!!! Mommy! Daddy! I'm scared!" a human girl screamed and pulled herself close to her parents' seat along with her sibling. Just as the van started to fall, the door to the van got ripped off.

"Take my hand if you want to survive!" It was Shadow who tore of the door. The family grabs his hand and the four came out from the car.

"Run away! It's dangerous here! We'll take care of the situation here!" Shadow told them. They ran in to Station Square with soldiers.

Sonic and Amy was helping other citizens to get back to the city with soldiers protecting them and when they are done, they face the Eggbot, ready for battle.

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