Final Chapter

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Eggman was put into maximum prison and the gang returned to the G.U.N base where their leader awaits them. They ride the G.U.N truck on their way back to the base.

"Congratulations agents and soldiers, you all did a great job. Especially you, Amy and Sonic" the G.U.N leader congratulates them all.

"Yeah thanks. Now we can get ready to prepare for the wedding about a few days" Amy said.

"Yeah but most of Station Square are destroyed so we have to choose another place to have the wedding on. I know, we can have the wedding at the Green Hill" Sonic said while smiling. Amy looks at Sonic and thinks for a moment. She then smiles.

"It could work, Sonikku" Amy walks up to Sonic and gives him a hug, not a death hug. Shadow and the others watched them.

"Beautiful isn't it?" a nearby G.U.N asked Shadow.

"Yes it is and I have indeed grown soft too for Faker....I mean Sonic and Amy" Shadow sighs softly.

"I can't wait to be the uncle figure to their children" Tails said.

"And I can't wait to be with Knuckles" Rouge said in a sweet voice and daydreams of her and Knuckles lying next to the Master Emerald and snuggling with each other. Rouge sighs in love.


Next week, at the Green Hill, Sonic and Amy had their wedding and was being prepared. Amy was wearing her white dress with golden sparkles and white gloves covering her tattoos. She held a bunch of red roses in her hands. Sally was sitting among the crowd with Monkey Khan and they have recently become a love couple.

"Well, I guess they're gonna live happily ever after" Monkey Khan said to Sally.

"Yeah, I guess so" Sally sighs but gets a small smile on her face.

Then Sonic came up, wearing his dark blue tuxedo.

"Okay Sonic, this is it" Sonic said in his thoughts and walks up to Amy. The priest came up. After the speech, the priest then asked both Sonic and Amy.

"Do you Amelia Rose, take Sonic to be your husband?"

"I do" Amy said sweetly.

"Do you Sonic the Hedgehog take Amy to be your wife?"

"I do" Sonic said.

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" the priest said. Sonic and Amy kissed and everyone cheered. Amy threw the bunch of roses and it came to Sally who was surprised but gets happy when she turned to Monkey Khan. Sonic then lifted Amy in bridal style and walked on the red carpet to the white car where it says 'Just Married'. Tails, Cream and their other friends watched them pass by.

"Finally, we can start a new life Sonikku and I got good news" Amy said as they get into the car and it drives them home.

"And what is it?" Sonic asked curiously. Amy whispers in his ear.

"I'm waiting children" Amy whispers. Sonic gets a happy grin on his face.

"Oh great, can't wait to become a father" Sonic said and cuddles with Amy.


Much later at Angel Island, Knuckles was laying in the grass with Rouge. He has softened up for her.

"Thanks for allowing me to stay with you, Knuckie" Rouge snuggles on Knuckles crescent moon shaped chest. Knuckles had one hand on her shoulder.

"You are welcome and I just wanna say something to you Rouge" Knuckles said.

"What is it?" Rouge faced Knuckles face to face.

"I realized that you are important for me. I do love you" Knuckles blushed nervously. Rouge spins her finger on Knuckles chest.

"I love you too Knuckles" Rouge said dreamily and kisses Knuckles who kisses back.


(Months later, at the hospital)

Amy has just given birth to a cute hedgehog boy about a few hours ago, she looked at him and smiled. Sonic was sitting next to her.

Sonic plays with the baby with his finger, he giggled a little.

"What should we call him Ames? Sonic Junior?" Sonic asked Amy who held the baby.

"I like Navy" Amy said calmly. The baby at the same time was playing with Sonic's fingers. Sonic was unsure of the name but agreed.

"Navy? Yes it could work. We'll call him Navy" Sonic said.

"Very well. Navy, wanna go to daddy?" Amy asked Navy. Navy giggled and smiles as he was handed over to Sonic. Sonic rocking his newborn son in his arms. He couldn't help but sigh sweetly to that he's a father finally.

The End.

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