Chapter 02

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One night in Station Square, Scourge the Hedgehog, Sonic's anti, is walking in the rain and gets into a bar and sat down on a seat at the desk and ordered a beer. He takes a sip from the bottle and then sighs. He was feeling humiliated by being defeated by Amy.

"Argh! That babe has become a badass who kicked my freaking ass" Scourge mumbles to himself and takes another sip from the bottle. Just then a stranger in a raincoat walked in and sat next to him. Scourge just sighs, not caring if the stranger is bothering him.

"What's the matter Scourge?" the stranger asked Scourge.

"It's nothing and how do you know my name?" Scourge asked the stranger.

The stranger then takes of her hood to reveal a familiar face.

"Sally? If it isn't my anti's ex-girlfriend" Scourge said a little surprised.

Sally then glares at Scourge and takes a peanut from a bowel.

"Sonic will be mine again when I get rid of his pink girlfriend. And right now my boyfriend Flamer dumped me for that I didn't loved him but Sonic" Sally said grumpily while chewing on the peanut.

Scourge then drinks the last of the beer in the bottle and crosses his arms on the desk.

"Do you want help from me?" Scourge asked Sally.

Sally's eyes widen and she then snarls in anger.

"Why would I help an anti to my Sonic?" Sally asked angrily.

"Because we got similar problems princess" Scourge explained to her.

Sally then scoffs and then gets a small smirk.

"Very well, even as a princess of Knothole I'll help you to get Amy and I'll get Sonic. Is that clear Scourge, deal?" Sally said as she reaches out her hand for a deal.

"Deal" Scourge reach out his hand and shakes hand with Sally.


Next day

Sonic is walking his way to Tails house and seeing how his best friend is doing. He then came to Tails house and knocked on the door. Tails opens it.

"Hi bro how are you doing? Can I come in?" Sonic asked Tails.

"Sure Sonic" Tails said and lets Sonic in. They sat on the couch.

Tails then asked Sonic. "How are you doing working for G.U.N?"

"I'm doing great and how's Cream?" Sonic replied to him.

"She's fine" Tails said in a polite tone and then looks at Sonic's tattoos.

Sonic then looked at Tails in concern.

"I liked you better without the tattoos" Tails said.

"I'll think about to remove them, I'll ask Amy" Sonic responded on Tails comment about the tattoos on his arms.

"I'll fix some drinks to us, what drink do you want?" Tails asked Sonic.

"I'll have a Mountain Dew if you have" Sonic said as he stretches his arms.

Moments later Tails returned with a Mountain Dew and a cola in his hands.

He hands over the mountain dew to Sonic.

"Thanks old pal" Sonic thanked Tails.

"No problems bro" Tails replied as he opens his drink.


At Rouge's house, Rouge and Amy is sunbathing. Rouge put some sunscreen on herself.

"Ah, It is a great day to have a day off from G.U.N, isn't it Rouge?" Amy asked Rouge.

"It is, dear" Rouge replied in a calm tone and takes a sip from her orange drink.

Amy then put on red sunglasses and relaxed and continues to sunbath.

"Say Rouge, can you hand over the sunscreen?" Amy asked Rouge.

"Sure" Rouge said and gives her the sunscreen. Amy then pours some in her hand and put some on her arm. What they don't know is that Scourge is spying from a far distance.

"Hehehehe, two babes is what I need, but I get Amy first" Scourge whispers to himself.

He then rushes to Rouges house and sneaks behind their sunbeds.

"I heard something" Rouge lifted her sunglasses in concern to Amy.

"I have to believe it's me who made the noise" Scourge said as he laughed evilly.

Amy and Rouge turned around and stands in fighting stances.

"Do you ever GIVE UP, Scourge?!" Amy yelled at Scourge who smirks.

"You two are pretty hot when you are angry in bikinis" Scourge said.

"Shut up!" Rouge said angrily and tries to kick Scourge but he grabs her foot.

She gets surprised at this.

"Hehehe, nice try batty" Scourge taunted Rouge as he throws her aside.

She landed at the backdoor at her house.

"Now then, time to get the pink babe" Scourge said.

Amy is getting pissed for being called a babe by Scourge.

"Don't call me a 'babe' SCOURGE!" Amy screamed as she attacked Scourge with her martial-arts skills but he keeps dodging them and then he kneed her in the gut. She quickly recovered.

Scourge then licked his lips and he gets closer to Amy.

"I could beat him before and I can do it again" Amy said and attacked Scourge.

She punches him in the cheek and then kicks him in the gut. He then groans in pain and spits out a tooth. He then looks at Amy and tries to stand up. Amy grabs him by the jacket.

"Who send you to get me and Rouge?" Amy asked Scourge sternly.

"I won't tell you babe and you don't wanna know"

"Tell me NOW SCOURGE!!!" Amy yelled at him in an anger similar to Rosy the Rascal and she presses her hand against his throat. Scourge then struggles to not lose air.

"Okay..augh...Okaay... I work for..." Scourge started to tell Amy but didn't finish his line.

"For who?" Amy asked him angrily and removes her hand from his throat.

"I work for your boyfriend's ex" Scourge utters his answer. Amy's expression changes from anger to one of pure shock and she releases Scourge to the ground as he gasps for air and almost passes out.

"Sally....weren't she supposed to leave me and Sonic after we saved her and Flamer?"

Amy then put on handcuffs on Scourge's wrists to make sure he doesn't attack again.

Then Rouge gets back up and goes to Amy.

"We better take him in and give him more questions" Rouge said to Amy.


"That was nice to meet you brother" Tails said to Sonic.

"Sure it was Tails, but now I must go back home" Sonic replied and ruffles Tails on the head. Tails then laughed and so did Sonic.

"See you later Tails" Sonic waved good bye to Tails who waved back.

"Bye Sonic"

Just then, Sonic's iPhone5 ringed and he picked it up and answered it.

"Hello? Oh hi Ames, whats going on?" Sonic asked Amy who is the one who called him.

"Sonikku, Scourge came and attacked me and Rouge at her house and we are taking him in and you better come because we got bad news, bye" Amy said on the phone and calls off.

Sonic then put back the phone into his pocket.

"That darn Scourge" Sonic growled in anger.

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