Chapter one

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The air felt like a thousand knives were being shoved down my throat. The cold, crisp, winter air drying it in an instant.


My black leather jacket clung tightly around me, black leggings barely adding any warmth to my freezing body, my timberlands being the only thing that slightly protected me from the squishy, sloshy, dirty snow that had laid it self out on the streets.


My breath creating a cloud every time I released a quivering breath. Despite the  cold, the amount of people in the malls due to Christmas shopping, having to sweep up the small green things that feel off the pine trees onto your floor, winter was by far my favorite season.

I took long strides as I made my way to the not far warehouse. There, my father would talk to me with his men about giving me a "promotion". The promotion is really only moving me up to guarding the warehouse while the "meetings" were in progress ---seeing as I am his best fighter----  and having me transport the "goods".

Goods means drugs if you didn't know.

Not gonna lie, I really did want this promotion. Working as a fighter/guard always was what I had wanted to do. And I guess transporting the drugs was interesting as well, but I never quite understood why he would put his 18 year old daughter's life on the line.

Then again, being apart of the Forginans family was a risk. But being in the void was an even bigger risk. So making me a drug dealer wasn't the worst thing to happen. I knew I was going to get this promotion. Since I was 12 actually.

My father always was telling me "Daniela, one day you will take over the void. But until then, you must build your way to the top. Like I did with my father. Just wait. I'll make sure you are great at what you do."

Little did I know, making sure I'm great at what I do would mean years and years of combat training, being taught to show no mercy what so ever, and dressing like I was some sort of shinny tire. But now, after it has all been paying off, I am actually happier than ever.

How often do you hear that? An eight-teen year old girl going around saying she loves being apart of one of the strongest, most feared gang in the continent. You heard right. Continent. My father is an inspiration, really.

My family wasn't large at all. It was only me and my father. My mother had died while the gang was on a raid. She was shot twice, one on the back the other on the thigh. As you could expect, she lost to much blood. I was an only child which would leave the gang in my hands once my father is gone.

I was expected to marry, have children, and run the void with another void member. It was like we were one big family. The others were to marry outside of the void in order to increase or gang's members. It might not seem complicated but it really is.

I stiffly tapped the numbers in the padlock to enter the warehouse. Every week my father would change the combination that way nobody would figure it out if they weren't in the void. Our rules were very strict.

"Daniela! I have gossip!" My best friend  Hana Stranos approached me with wide arms. I swerved as usual.

"I'm not a hugger." I said with a smile on my face and she laughed. She was that one person in our gang that had no idea what she was doing. She mostly handled the food. She really was an amazing cook. "What is it?!" I may not be girly but I do like my daily dose of gossip.

"Rider parara, finally spoke up. We know who the mole is. Stephan Triokala. Sucks 'cause he really was hot." I walked with her by my side until I came to a sudden stop.

"My ex boyfriend, Stephan Triokala?" I asked in disbelief. Stephen couldn't be the mole. He was to much of a wuss.

"How would I know, you've had so many." She laughed.

"Hey, you aren't one to judge, Miss I'm just gonna date each of the Drakot brothers." That was the truth. She did date all of the Drakot brothers. She glared at me.

"Oh shut up. Anyway, you dad wants you in his office." She clapped at the end of her sentence. She really didn't fit the description of somebody you would see in a gang.

She had the face of a baby bunny for Petes sake! She had strawberry-blonde hair, big blue eyes that had long black lashes circling around them, skin in between tan and light, and cute little freckles that spread across her nose and cheeks. Her hair was always down and reached her shoulder blades. She wasn't fat but she wasn't a twig either. Not to mention she is the size of a teddy bear. Not literally but she was really short. Maybe around 5'1.

Me? Well I had dark black hair that reached my shoulders and was always in large, diva like curls. The color of my hair complimented my dark blue eyes that could resemble the night sky, I had skin like Hana. Not that tan but not that pale. My eyebrows were a perfect arch. I was thin and had a lot  (not to much) muscle. I was around 5'6. I was happy with the way I looked. I think I looked pretty while a bit... intimidating (I think it might be my muscle.).

We parted ways. She went to the kitchen to prepare dinner with the other cook, Roland, while I made my way towards the large corridor where I would meet my father. Once I reached the farthest room I knocked strongly on it.

"Come in!"

My fathers voice was muffled but was still audible. I pushed the heavy wooded door open to reveal a large office with metal for walls, hardwood flooring, a large black area rug that had a secret room below it that only him and I knew about, many paintings that looked like a kindergartener accidentally dragged there small hands across a small canvas and a large desk in the center with a black chair.

"Hey dad." I closed the door behind me. I walked over to the small couch that was just in front of my fathers desk. "You wanted to see me?"

"Danny, don't act like you don't know why your here." He said jokingly with a smile on his face. "Congrats kiddo!" My dad stood up and walked over to me. I stood up as well. Unexpectedly he wrapped me into a large, tight hug. I hugged him back.

He quickly let go and went back to his straight face once the door to his office swung open. I put my hands to my side and turned to see Detroit Ignolio standing there out of breath.

"What is it boy?!" My father marched over to him.

"Were under attack. Again. Stephan must have given the T. A. R the new info." Detroit said quickly, trying his hardest to not stumble over his words. That's one of my father's biggest pet peeves. Stuttering.

.... Wait.... STEPHAN GAVE INFORMATION TO THE AZURE RAZORS?! That boy is so dead once my dad finds him. What is this kid thinking? Honestly, do you think giving the gang that killed your leader's wife information was a smart move?

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