Chapter thirteen

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"Blake? Are you awake?" It was pitched dark outside and in our suit. I tried to pry his arm off of me but that resulted in him gripping my waist tighter. I sighed. I tried again. Eventually, I was set free and squirmed away.

I walked to the bathroom. I had to use my phone as a flash light to find my way to the rest room. I couldn't help but think to myself, I really want a churro. It is random! I know! But I couldn't help it!

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light switch. I jumped as I felt something grab my forearm. "Did I, Blake the hostage, make Daniela jump?!" He gasped dramatically. I turned around and punched him in the gut. I then noticed how sting his core is.

"You scared the shit out of me!"

"Then it's a good thing we are in a bathroom!" He winked. "You woke me up when you got out of bed. Thanks for that by the way." He narrowed his eyes at me. I rolled my eyes but kept a smile on my face. "And then I am super confused on why I followed you in here." His face contorted into a face portraying his thought process.

I didn't know he experienced thinking.

"Good question to ask yourself out there." I pointed to the hall. He purses his lips together. "Go, shoo! Think over there! Outside of the place where I am about to pee!" His nose crunched in disgust and he walked out. I closed the door and locked it.

As I was "completing my business", Blake would tell me the stupidest things like, "Daniela, I hope you know you woke us both up at three in the Morning." Or, "you know I could be asleep right now."

I told him, "Then why don't you?" He hasn't responded to my question yet. I haven't been here for long but I finished actually going to the bathroom a few minutes ago. I have been sitting in here doing absolutely nothing because I didn't want to go back in there.

When I did decide to get out though, Blake was leaning against the door asleep. He fell backwards and it was hilarious. "Are you okay?" I asked between laughs. He nodded and he stood up. Just like before he pulled my arm. "What are you doing?"

"I'm tired." I furrowed my eyebrows and pulled my arm away. He looked at me with a slightly more confused expression he must be really tired and disoriented. His features were nearly visible though because the lack of light so maybe he had a normal facial expression. He turned back around and walked over to the bed.

I raised an eyebrow and walked to the other bed. I lifted the blanket up and slipped in between the blanket and the sheet. I stare up into the ceiling.

She brushed through my hair gently. "All done." She stepped back and lifted up my tiny figure. "I know you are too young to understand this now, Daniela. But," she wrapped me around her upper waist and walked to the bed. "When you get older, you will find somebody who makes you feel all sorts of things."

She placed me gently on top of the sheets then pulled over a thinner pink one and completing it all by pulling over the thick fluffy grey blanket. "You might have your ups and downs. But you can't push him or her away. Okay?" I nodded my tight black curls bobbed. My head rested on a firm yet comfortable black pillow. "He or she will always love you no matter what. Don't close him or her out because you are unsure if it the right thing to do or not."

My mom bent down to my face and kissed my forehead. Her red lip stick remaining slightly where her lips had just been. "It will be. Just do what your heart tells you to do." She quickly wiped off the lipstick on my face. "And if you still end up liking Finnik when your older. Go for it." She winked and my cheeks flushed.

How did she know I liked him? "Good night, Danny." She whispered and shut off the lamp behind me.

I smiled as I recalled the memory. Silly six year old me. That memory created a sort chain reaction. I remembered days with my mom. Where she was never afraid to show her love for me to the rest of the gang like my dad. I also recalled memories with Finnik.

"Boop." I said poking his cheek. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. His golden hair fell in front of his eye. My heart pounded on the inside of my chest.

"Don't 'Boop' me." He mocked. My face heated up as he looked at me intently. I reached my finger up again to poke his cheek once more but he caught my wrists. "Don't 'boop' me." He said in a warning-like tone. I smiled. Quickly, I lifted my other hand and poked his cheek.

He pulled me closer on the bench we were sitting on. We always sat here waiting for the ice cream truck. Just because we are fifteen years old doesn't mean we have to stop having fun.

He pulled me flush against his chest. There was no space between us. My heart raced faster. Is this what my mom meant? That we would meet somebody who makes us feel things. "You don't really like him do you?" He whispered his head in the crook of my neck

I knew what he meant. He was talking about Stephan. "N-N... Yes. I d-do like him." I ripped away from Finnik. He looked slightly hurt and disappointed but soon recovered when the ice cream truck's music was heard

"I ship it." He stood up and pulled me with him.

I closed my eyes tightly. Finnik and I. We are just friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"You love me too much to push me out of a plane, Master." He winked at me. Did somebody say FUQBOI?

"I beg to differ." I mimicked him from before. He laughed then came foreword more. Instinctively, I took a step backwards.

"Oh but I'm stating facts, not opinions." He looked me in the eye as he took more steps foreword and spoke.

"I think you might've read it wrong." I stated finally hitting a wall.

"Not possible."

"I don't love people." He was barely an inch away now. You could call it more a centimeter. His minty breath fanned on my face.

"I guess I'm not a person then." From up close I could also smell a pine scent radiating off of him.

"No, your a dog." I rose a brow.

"I'm wounded." He leaned even closer, or noses actually touching. My breathing stopped and I stood showing no emotions, really, I kinda had a streak of resting bitch face going.

"Good." I said. My eyes glanced down at his lips for a second, A SECOND! That doesn't mater! It was only a second.

His lips brushed against mine but he swerved from my face and took a step back. "Well, I'm gonna go pack. I'm thrilled." He smiled widely and skipped away.

My eyes shot open at the memory that just flashed through my head. "Daniela why do you look so freaked out?" I sat up slowly to see Blake with his bedside lamp on. I shrugged. He raised a brow. "Well I can't sleep. And I'm bored. So I'm gonna be in the kitchen eating everything."

He lifted his body off of the bed and went on the direction of the kitchen. I say there, propped up with my arms stretched behind me.

Is it bad that I kind of wish that moment ended differently.

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