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My eyes fluttered open. I rolled to my side to see a large portion of the bed. What lay there instead of Mariah was a small stuffed bunny. I blinked a few times as my heard throbbed. I have grown to really like Mariah. It sucks she is gone.

I sit up slowly and remove the blankets off of me. Everything belonging to Blake and Mariah is gone. I shut my eyes tightly then got up and went to get ready for the morning. I showered quickly, brushed my teeth, did my hair and changed. I did my makeup quickly then went to the dinning hall to grab breakfast.

Hana sat next to Finnik with her head leaning on his shoulder while she shoved bits of granola into her mouth

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Hana sat next to Finnik with her head leaning on his shoulder while she shoved bits of granola into her mouth. Trenton dipped at his juice. I walked past them to grab my own food. I settled for a toasted croissant.

Once I grabbed my food I grabbed a bottle of water then went outside. Hana and Trenton called for me to join them but I shook my head and ignored them. I wandered the streets as the sun set on my face and the cold winds blew my hair in all different directions. Eventually I found myself in a random park.

My phone bib stated in my pocket and I read a text from my dad saying he had another mission for me. I ignored the text and took a seat on the bench and finished my food and drink. A dog came sprinting up to me and dropped the ball right at my feet. "Oh hello!" I said as it sat in front of me and nudged my leg repeatedly. It looked up at me with its tongue hanging out of its mouth.

I picked up the ball though it was slimy and turned to throw it back where the dog came from. I threw it and the dog sat there for a while. "Don't you have an owner? Go on! They must be looking for you." I ordered it but realized it wouldn't listen to me. It tilted it's head and I did the same.

I searched its neck for some kind of color but found none. The dog's black and brown fur looked as if it hadn't been groomed and you could see a faint outline of the dog's rib cage. "Okay then." I said to it then scooped it into my arms. I carried the dog in my arms to the warehouse. Once I was inside I went into my room and gave the dog a bath. I changed into a plain white shirt and tied my hair back.

The dog splashed around, soaking me. I laughed continuously as the dog looked so harmless. So happy. I frowned. How could anybody leave a dog like this?

Once the dog was bathed I took him out, drained the water, and dried him off with a soft towel. I left the dog there in the bathroom. "I'll be right back, I'm going to grab you some food from the cafe. Don't make a mess." I told him and ran through the halls to the dinning area. I grabbed a slice of cheese pizza and some chicken wings then ran back to my room. I was stopped mid way by my dad. He had an angry scowl on his face and he looked at the food in my hands.

"What are you doing, Daniela?" I licked my lips and stood up straighter.

"I was hungry."

He looked at me suspiciously. "Did you not get my texts?" I internally rolled my eyes.

"Yes I saw them." I reassured him.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Okay? So why didn't you answer?" He asked. He did nothing to hide his anger.

"Because, Dad, I didn't feel like it. I don't want to do another job." I said and tried walking past me. He grabbed ahold of my forearm before I could leave.

His face held a look of surprise and anger. "What do you mean you "don't want to do another job?" He whisper-yelled.

I pulled my arm out of his grip. "I mean I don't want to be apart of this anymore. I want to have a life. How the hell am I supposed to have a life if I am only allowed to talk to certain people? I'm tired of being trapped here, dad!" I yelled but not too loudly. He looked taken aback and I took this as my chance to get away from him.

I ran back to my room and laid the food out in front of the dog. He barked from excitement and I shushed him with a laugh. He dug into the food, devouring it in a second. I smiled at the little dog.

"Your new name is Fish." I told him. He didn't listen to me of course but he would learn. Just like I would learn to live a real life.


I ate dinner silently with Hana, Finnik and Trenton. They all eyed my carefully as I am usually never this quite. "Are you okay, Dani?" Hana asked. I nodded and jabbed at my broccoli.

"Have any of you seen Blake of Mariah lately? I haven't seen them all day." Hana and Finnik both shook their heads at Trenton's question and I frowned slightly.

Hana grabbed my plate and brought it towards her. I snapped my head towards her with a fuming expression. Her face portrayed the same thing. "What is wrong with you, Daniela?" I cringed at her use of my full name and the tone she said it in.

Finnik closed his eyes in annoyance and ran a hand threw his hair. Trenton awkwardly ate his pasta. I gave her one more glare the stood up, grabbed my sprite then left.

What a rough day today has been. I went to my room to cuddle Fish. He was feline toy the highlight of today. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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