Chapter sixteen

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Neither of us moved away while Hana stood there looking at us like we were some kind of rare species. And we, well we were just completely lost.

"Oh my god," I opened my mouth to say something but Hana cut back in. "Ship!"

Again, I was going to speak again but Blake threw his shoulder and nodded. "Yup."

"Nope." I said slipping away from Blake. A frown spread across his face for a moment which both Hana and I caught but then he returned to a smile. He laughed a loud laugh and Hana And I looked at each other. What Is happening.

"I'm just playing with you, Dani." He said then pushed past Hana to go over to Mariah. Hana and I looked at each other again and instantly her face lit up with happiness, excitement and Envy.

"Lucky girl," she said pulling me into the room and closing the door behind us. "You get all the hot ones." She whispered in my ear. I glared at her from beside me. I rubbed my temples and went to sit on the bed.

"What movie do you wanna watch, Ms. Mariah?" I asked leaning forward a little.

"I've wanted to watch fift-"

"No." Blake said in a scolding tone.

"Blake you idiot I didn't mean that, I wanted to watch the fifth wave." Blake looked at Mariah with a blank expression. And that was enough for me.

"'Kay lets watch it!" I say and Blake looks at me with a 'I knew you'd do that' face and I waved a hand a Hana. "Hana. The remote. It's behind you." Hana grabbed the remote and came up next to me and laid down.

"I can do it." I flopped back into the pillow and let the bed swallow me completely. Mariah sat at the end of the bed and Blake also laid down beside me on my right. Now which way would I turn in my sleep?! Ruining everything, Blake.

We were in the middle of the movie when my eyes were already starting to get heavy. Though Blake shouted out commentary about the movie, I finally completely shut my eyes and I was feeling to exhausted to reopen them. I turned my back away from Blake and faced towards Hana.

Eventually I drifted off into the peaceful place called sleep and luckily I'm a deep sleeper so I wouldn't have to worry about waking up again.


I sat up in an instant, my mind rushed with thousands and thousands of questions and none of which could be answered. The room spun around and around getting me dizzy. I turned to my left unwillingly as if I was pulled by a force.

My breath hitched.

My mother stood besides me with a disappointed look on her face. "I told you Daniela." What did she tell me?

Why is it now that I can't remember.

"What you did to him was cruel."

"Did to who?" My mom nodded to the side. Blake sat in a chair with his eyes closed and his skin pale. My heart raced. I could feel my chest tightening and suffocating me. My throats closing till it was the shape of a straw.

"I told you!" I flinched at the tone of her voice. "Look what you did!" She yelled again. I clenched my fists— or attempted to. My right fist wouldn't close fully. I looked down to see my carved gun in my hand.

My body shook. My eyes felt like they were on fire. Why? I looked back at my mother who was now looking down with her head bowed towards Blake. "The works of a monster herself."

I made a odd noise and struggled to breath. My heart stopped. The spinning stopped. Everything stopped. I laid there, with nothing to look at other than a lifeless Blake and my terrified and disappointed mom.

I opened my eyes stunned and had utterly no clue what that meant. What was happening. I reached up and touch the eyes that had once been burning but felt Water underneath them. I cried? I haven't cried.. since my mom died.

I sat up to see all three of them looking at me. "W-What?" I asked my voice breaking and betraying all my beliefs I once had. I hate stuttering.

"I'll go get your dad." My eyes widened though it was difficult. I rushed over to her before she opened the door and shook my head.

"No. No you can't do that." She looked at me with a weird expression.

"I have to! You crying isn't a normal thing! I'm concerned." Blake and Mariah stayed silent watching us worriedly.

"I'm fine look at me," I smiled a toothy smile. "Seriously. Don't go to my dad I'm okay." She looked at me in disbelief. She stepped away though. I smiled again and rushed to the bathroom.

I took a breath and looked at my self quickly in the mirror to see my make up smudged. "Ew I look like literal sh*t." I said in disgust. I walked to the sink and rinsed underneath my eyes and made sure to wash my face thoroughly to get rid of any tear stains. There was a general yet loud enough knock on the door.

"Unless you wanna see Shrek in human form, I suggest you don't come in." There was another knock. I used cold water to reduce the redness of my eyes and wiped my face with a hand towel. I open the door to see Blake there. I sigh in relief and frankly, I am glad it was just a dream.

Out of nowhere, he engulfs me in a hug. At first I wasn't sure how to respond but I returned it hesitantly. This is weird. But oh well. "That was some freaky stuff." He pulled away and I did too. "Are you okay?"

I nod. Which is true. If. I wasn't, I think I would get over it right. It was only a dream. Or more like a nightmare. My stomachs churned at the thought of the dream. Why that? Why now? I looked up at him to see him looking at me with a doubtful expression. "I'm alight!" I say again with a smile.

"No you aren't, normal Daniela wouldn't smile this much." I opened my mouth to say something. "What was your dream about?"

"My mom." I said with a shrug. Technically I wasn't lying. He narrowed his eyes at me in a skeptical way.


"Nothing else."

"It's not good to lie, Daniela." He said as if I were a child. My mind at the moment felt like a jumbled mess right now.

"Well it doesn't matter anymore anyways, because I'm OKAY now. And besides, how would you know if I was lying or not." He shrugged.

"It's obvious." He said simply.

I swallowed hard. I wouldn't tell him. I couldn't. It would be totally weird. And he really doesn't care and wont wanna know. That's just the way it is, nobody actually wants to hear it. So just keep it to yourself... and get through it on your own.

"It about my mom." I said finally. I could still see the doubt in his eyes and the frown behind his smile. I placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped beside him to get out of the bathroom. "Excuse me." I said looking slightly up at him. When his shimmery eyes met mine I wanted to hide at that point.

Eye contact makes me uncomfortable. He licked him lips, looking slightly aggravated but moved aside. I waved at him and went to the door. Once in the hall I decided I'd go look for Finnik. He is an ass but he is still my best friend. I wander the halls for a while until I got to his room.

I open the door and everything stops for a moment and my heart is slowly rising to the top of my throat. "Oh." I said silently a rush of disappointment washed over me. I shut the door as quickly as I could. So... Hana and Finnik huh?

I pressed my lips together tightly. Good for them.


Yikes! What a messy situation!

Don't forget to:


Lots of love, The Qveen (JKJK I'm a couch) ;)

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