Chapter six

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I sat on my bed with my hair brush and my laptop. I brushed strands of my hair while watching an episode of Izombie. The door opened slowly with a creak. "You can come in." The door opened slightly faster and Mariah came in and closed the door behind her. "Oh, hi." My voice was in monotone.

Bland and boring.

"Hi." She looked down and fiddled with her fingers. I went back to my brushing trying my best to avoid the awkwardness. "Are you going to kill us?" She said trailing off toward the end.

I turned my attention to her. "I won't kill you." I knew that wouldn't be good enough. She wanted to ensure her brother's safety.

"So... you're gonna kill Blake?" Her hands feel by her side and she came to take a seat next to me.

"It depends. Is he gonna kill me?" She looked down again and shrugged then shook her head.

"No, I won't let him." She finally looked up at me. Her face wasn't happy anymore. She looked as if she had been crying. Her eyes were a bit puffy, her Turquoise-like eyes are glassy, and she had small tear stains on her cheeks.

"Then I won't kill him either." I tried to smile a bit but honestly, her sadness was kinda bumming me out.

"Promise?" I shook my head. Promises were meant to be broken. That is what my father said at least.

"Trust me." Trust is something I could offer. I never backed down on anything I said I would or wouldn't do.

She smiled. "I knew you were a nice person!" And she was back. "Do you have nail polish? We are gonna have a spa day!"

Uh..."Yeah. In the bathroom below to sink." I was really doing this. I was going  to have a spa day with Mariah. She clapped and skipped to the bathroom. Though she was twelve, she really did act like she was five.

I smiled at how excited she was. Maybe this'll be fun. you never know right?


"I love that show!" She squealed. she tugged at my hair while she tried to braid it making me hiss in pain. "oops sorry!" She laughed lowly. It sounded kind of evil. Is it bad I am worried for her mental health? No I'm just kidding, She is just a bit crazy.

We were talking about Grey's anatomy and spoiling the latest episodes to each other. "Hey, Have you seen my brother? I haven't seen him since like, lunch."

"He is probably hanging out with the others." I blew on my nails that were painted a light shade of pink. We just applied a matte top coat. Yes we. It turns into a disaster when I try and paint my left hand. I'm a lefty. It was silent.

"Yeah, I don't-"

"Your right. he is probably up to something." I looked back at her and somehow she magically pulled a walkie talkie from beside her.

"Spy mission activate!" She shouted while pumping her hand in the air.

Colors swirled around us and we began to levitate, on our way up we each did a cool spy pose. Mine was my leg kicked up in the air and Mariah's was a simple punch but she had that spy face going.

Our theme song played in the background as the walkie talkies appeared. Doing the same motion as Mariah had done before, we pumped our fist in the air.

The backdrop said "SUPER SPIES!" and a fist pumping emoji next to it. It was awesome!

"ok." I said grabbing a walkie talkie from her hand and getting off the bed. We just imagined what it would be like to be real spies would be like.

"Yep." She followed me.

"Let's go." I pushed the door open and went my way while Mariah went hers. I roamed the left hall where Hana, Detroit, Trenton and a girl named Faye slept. I doubt that he be here though. "Not in this direction-" I heard a loud thud over in Faye's room.

Cautiously I walked over. "Daniela? Are you still there? Over." The walkie talky was staticky but I heard her just fine.

"Yeah yeah. I'm just checking something out. Over." Just as I was about to knock on the door, Faye threw open her door and held Blake by the ear.

"This one here got lost. You'd think he'd know not to come into my room." She hissed and with that she released him and slammed the door. Faye was not somebody to mess with.

"Mariah, I found him." I stated. "Oh, over." I corrected myself. Mariah responded with an ok and with that I started pulling Blake along with me. We reached the farthest part of the hall before he decided to throw a tantrum.

"Can you maybe, STOP DRAGGING ME?!" He yanked his arm out of his grip. "I'm not a kid."

"Could've fooled me." I crossed my arms and stood firmly on the ground. Although I wasn't short, he was still taller than me by at least two inches.

"Point is, Daniela," he said my name with such disgust. "I'm here for a reason. And I intend to finish what I came here for." He glared at me. Not gonna lie, that glare did kinda freak me out.

"Then get it over with. Kill me, Blake." I widened my arms gesturing that I'm wide open and I am giving him an option.


"I'm giving you the loaded gun. If you are going to kill me. Then kill me now." I rose a brow. I had the slightest feeling that he wouldn't do it but the other half of me said he wasn't.


"Can you hurry up? My legs are getting tired." I complained while he still look at me confused. "What? Now that I am giving you permission you don't want to kill me?"


"Then hurry the fudge up!" I threw my hands up in exasperation. We stood there in silence for a few minutes before I called it, "I knew it." I patted his shoulder and walked away.

If by any chance I was going to die, I'd hope it was done quickly.

I heard the cocking of a gun from behind me. I smiled and turned around. "Ah so you finally grew a pair! But where exactly did you get the gun." That whole time I actually thought he didn't have a gun.

"I'm a magician. Surprise."

"Good to know." The silence was back again. "Well aren't you gonna be a gentlemen and ask me if I had any last words?" I joked and he rolled His eyes.

There was a long pause before he dropped his hands back down to his sides and used one hand to rack through his hair.

Now I was confused. Why didn't he shoot me? "Well this is awkward." I scoffed.

After we realized he wouldn't shoot me, we went back to the room where we met Mariah. And don't worry, I made sure to take his gun away. Not that he'd use it! Ha! I'm so funny.

"Blake!" Mariah was scolding him about our conversation we just had. I stood behind Mariah smirking. His sister really did pack a punch.

"What?! She asked me to shoot her!" He shouted and pointed at me. I gasped dramatically and retorted.

"Who in there right mind would want to be shot!"with my statement Mariah made a 'duh' face at Blake and started yelling at him again. I smirked once again.

"She is smirking right now!"

Right as Mariah was about to look at me I began to fake cry. She gasped and kicked her brother on the shin. "Bad Blake! She even promised not to kill you if you didn't try and kill her. You are ruining your chances of survival."

I never promised anything. I don't make promises. I just hope that the person will trust me enough to rely on the things I say.

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