chapter fifteen | part Two to Fourteen

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"Holy Shit." Trenton looked at us with wide eyes as we walked into the building. Once Trenton's eyes landed on me he sped walked over. "Finnik and Blake are with your dad. They might be killed but I don't know." He whispered to me jokingly. But he could quite possibly be right.

I rolled my eyes. "What happened."

"I don't know. They randomly started fist fighting and yelling."

I looked at Hana who was looking at us with a confused expression. "You three go get popcorn I'll be back"

"But-" I shot Trenton a glare. "'Kay. C'mon chickies." He instructed and they followed behind him towards the kitchen. Hm. I walked to my dad's office after dropping all my bags in my bedroom. I knocked on the door gently but got no response.

I knocked again but this time with force. I got no response but heard voices inside. I pushed open the doors and all there heads to face me. "Are y'all deaf?! I knocked on that door twice."

"Your acting like that's a lot." My eyes flickered over to Blake and I gracefully raised my favorite finger at him. He smiled.

"Daniela we were in the middle of a discussion." My dad said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, one that I am now a part of. Carry on. Thank you." I took a seat on the floor. I didn't have the patience to bring an actual chair. My father glared at me but did as I said.

"Well, we were discussing these two boys' behavior." He looked at Finnik who just sat back with his arms crossed and didn't make eye contact with any of us, then he looked at Blake who sat forward with his elbows on his thighs and his head and his hands.

Looks like he wants to die.

And Finnik looks like he hates the world so ya'know. "What happened?" I asked hoping somebody had a real answer. Our members never fight one another and survive. They'll literally fight to the death if they could. I'll never understand because we are supposed to be family but it is just one of those things that every other person enjoys.

I know. It is so weird.

"We were fighting because he took the last slice of pizza." Blake said with a small smile on his face. I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips. But I didn't miss Finnik's scoff from beside us.

"Who even is this dude? I've never seen him before." Finnik growled. Why was he so upset?

"He is just a shy member, Finnik. There are lots of them." I argued back. My dad sat there unamused by my behavior and overall aggravated with this whole situation.

"If there shy then they don't belong here." He said leaning forward with a dangerous expression on his face. I knew he didn't like Blake but I didn't think to this extent. "And it wouldn't effect anybody if  he did just get out of here."

I furrowed my eyebrows. What the hell. "Finnik could you maybe not be a man thingy?" Blake laughed at my use of language. Finnik glared at me intently. 'Kay well somebody is experiencing major mood swings.

"Daniela, perhaps you should go wait outside." My dad suggested with a hint of demand evident in his tone.

"No. Blake hasn't done anything wrong and Finnik is being a donkey." I said sitting with a straighter back. got to look intimidating! 

"No Daniela. Go. His sister is expecting your company anyway." A muscle in the side of his jaw popped out slightly. I glanced at Blake who was looking really tired.

"Can't you guys just continue this tomorrow?"

"No." Finnik butt in. Oh my god. Kid this is an A and B conversation. C your way out of it please and thank you. I stood up and walked over to my dads shoulder and quietly asked what actually happened. I didn't want to leave until I figured out what was going on.

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