Chapter five

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I rolled to the left then to the right on my squishy bed. The satin blankets and pillow cases making me slide around involuntarily. I turned left once again and slowly opened my eyes. I was shocked to see a little girl staring back at me. I blinked a few times then the memories started to comeback.

I groaned and slid dramatically off the bed. "Go look in the closet and find some clothes for today." I gestured towards the closet while I walked hunched over towards the bathroom. I tasted that bitter taste you get before you brush your teeth and I hated it.

"Wait- My uh-"

"What is it child?!" I threw my head back as I pushed the door open. I pretended to throw up and quickly shut the door. Oh my god I think I'm gonna die. "MY EYES!" I exclaimed and covered them quickly and fell to the floor.

Mariah struggled to hide her laugher before she finally spoke. "I tried- I tried to tell you!" She teased in between laughs.

"And you couldn't spit out the words, My brother is currently taking a dump on the toilet BEFORE I walked in? " I groaned again. What a horrible start to my day. I should have used common sense. He wasn't anywhere in the room when i woke up. Wait, Why didn't he just kill me while i was asleep.

If i had the chance i would've. I think I might be dying. Just might. "But you seemed so determined to use the bathroom." She laughed loudly. This girl.

"I don't like you." I said bluntly while sitting up on my hands. She seemed to frown but then it quickly turned into a really tight smile. She is holding back a laugh.

I heard the light flushing sound that came from the toilet and sat up slowly. After the flush I heard the sound of running water. Hey at least he had good Hygiene. The door opened and Blake walked out like the minute before never happened.

"What am I supposed to wear?" He asked, taking out his phone and tapping away. Rude. I snatched the phone out of his hand and threw it on the floor making it smash into many pieces.

"A potato sack for all I care." I replied and made my way back to the bathroom. I made sure to step on his phone on the way.

In the bathroom I did the usual morning things. Shower, Brush my teeth, Wash my face, blow dry my hair, do my make up blah blah blah. I grabbed my clothes--

.... I forgot my freaking clothes. Well this is kinda--- really horrible. Well whatever. A towel is sort of like clothes right? I wrapped the towel tightly around my body.

Remember what Demi Lovato said, What's wrong with being confident!?

Ok, lets do this. I walked out hesitantly in my towel and walked to the closet, not talking a glance at Mariah nor Blake.

"Blake, stop being a perv!" I ignored her scolding and searched for something to wear. I quickly grabbed a cropped top that had a thin strip of black on each sleeve and a small icon of an alien in the top left corner of the shirt, A pair of ripped blue jeans and my converse sneakers.

I tuned out everything. By everything I mean Mariah yelling at Blake for being a pervert. I found it quite amusing. "Will you to get ready? We have to be somewhere after breakfast." I smiled at Mariah but gave Blake a blank look.

What? I'm not supposed to be sweet with him. He tried to kill me for Petes sake! "Yes'm!" Mariah replied with a chirp. How is she so happy? I threatened her, am pretty much keeping her brother hostage, and shot her older brother.

I went back into the bathroom and changed into the clothes I chose. I left my hair down. "Ok, you ready to go?" I clapped my hands together and stood my the main door in my bedroom.

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