Chapter Nine

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"Let go." I demanded. Though, him holding me like that did bring me warmth and made me feel comfortable, it also made me feel trapped. Without hesitation he did. I stand up and get into my seat. "we are landing now, Feel free to stand if you want but I probably wont be the wisest choice."

He sits down and rolls his head around. I can only imagine how uncomfortable he is. I grown when I realize I didn't push him out of the plain after all. I was way to excited for that.

The plane bumped up and down as it hit the ground.

Blake's point of view

I noticed that Daniel's grip on the arm rest had tightened when the plane hit the ground. She is warm. She felt like a blanket, honestly. One that you could cuddle up to and be next-

Ok what the fuck, Blake?

Daniel got up and retrieved her things from the over head compartments. She seemed angry but you could see that the shine in her eyes said other wise. however, Daniela is very good at fooling people so she could be hiding on or the other.

"Are you just gonna sit there and stare at me or are you going to get off of your ass and start walking?" Daniela barked. We've been caught! Is she mad at me?

"Why are you pissed at the world all the time." I mumbled and stood up to get my own things.

"Because when ever I'm in a good mood I am reminded somehow that you still exist which kills my good vibes." She said angrily and walked off the plane as soon as the flight attendant opened the door. Well damn.

Daniela stood at the end of the gate in awe. I stood next to her and admired what she was. The airport was so modern and so incredibly beautiful. Her open mouth quickly closed and she straightened her face. "Let's go. We have stuff to do."

She walked in long strides and walked quickly. I had to jog just to keep up. What is it woman?! Why do you the world and everyone in it?!

"Could you slow down?" I asked and got no reply. "Daniel!" She still faced foreword as walked, her grip tightening on her suit case. I huffed and pulled her into an empty hall we had been passing.

"You are obnoxious!" She hissed at me while I pushed her back up against the wall and caged her in with my arms.

"It's my very special skill. That's what my momma said."

"Well your mom lied. You aren't special and aren't unique. I could literally point out a piece of shit and list all the qualities you two have in common. Should I list them?" I smiled down at her.

"Only if I can compare you to a puddle of vomit." She cringed.


"Obnoxious? So I've been told."

"No, that wasn't what I was going to say." She scooted towards my right arm. "I was thinking more along the lines of..." She grabbed onto my bicep. "Extremely..." Her arm slide further up towards my neck. "Annoying." She pinched my neck with such a strength which caused me to moved my right arm in an attempt to sooth the pain.

She slipped away from my grasp and started walking down the hall again. And she says I'm extremely obnoxious?! I run to catch up to her and just as I reach her, I snatch the brief case her father gave her and ran. I didn't run super fast because I didn't feel like it though.

I hear her groan from behind me and then realized she is wearing heels. HA! Sucks for her-

Out of nowhere something heavy had been dropped on my back. At first I wobbled trying to stay balanced. "Your obnoxious." I looked up to see Daniela on top of my back. I slowed down. I furrow my eyebrows.

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