The decision

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We walk into the dining room, where everyone sat in silence and ate their dinner. "Oh, you guys are finally here" Rohan says as he winked at Sidharth. Sidharth chuckled and I stared at him like I'm seeing him for the first time. "Mina!" Dad yells, "what's wrong Mina? You seem bemused" he says as he studies mine and sidharth's face. "I- I'm fine dad" I say with a croaky voice. "Are you sure?" Payal says, "Sidharth, you better not have said anything to her" she says as she eyes Sidharth. "No he didn't do anything, I'm fine" I say with a laugh. "Alright, you guys must be hungry. Have something to eat" mum says, "you guys eat, I'll be right back" I say as I rush up to my room. I shut my door and sit on the edge of my bed. What is wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking about him, he hurt me so much and here I am still missing him. I'm just tired if this and I want to forget him, that's the main reason that I'm agreeing to this marriage. Tears overflow in my eyes and onto my cheeks, then i hear soft knocks on my door. I wipe my tears and answer the door, I see Sidharth standing there, a bright smile on his face.

"Aren't you going to have dinner?" He asks sweetly. "No, im not really that hungry. Thanks for asking though" I reply with a smile. "Everyone's waiting for you, they want to know your decision" sidharth says as he stares at the floor. A feeling of realisation hits me, 'should I say yes? sidharth a really nice guy but I just don't think im ready' I think to myself but then I remembered Alia's words. "I just want to see everyone happy"
"Mina!" Sidharth calls out for about the fifth time. "What's wrong you seem bemused?" He asks, raising an eyebrow, "n- nothing, I'm fine" I reply. "Look mina, no one is forcing you. The decision is upto you, okay?" sidharth says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. I nod in response and follow him into the Lounge, it was getting cold and winter was near. The heater was and zeefa and alia were sitting in front of the TV with thick blankets on. Sooraj, Payal, mom and dad were sitting on the couch with big fluffy jackets on. They all smiled at me warmly, "come sit" Payal said as she patted the empty spot next to her.

I was just about to take a seat next to Payal until my little sister: Alia stole my spot. "Alia!" I say as I give her the death stare but she just smiles and ignores me. "I'll just sit on the floor then" I say as I sit down on the soft shaggy carpet. I looked at Alia and there was a smirk playing upon her lips. I raised and eyebrow at her and she started to giggle, then I realised why she made me sit on the floor. Its because Sidharth is sitting right next to me, I eyed Alia sternly. She laughed and everyone looked towards her direction. "Alia, do you mind? We're having an important meeting here." Dad says as be looks at Alia, "so Mina, have you made ur decision?" Mum says as she smiles softly. I hear sidharth's words echoing in my head 'no one is forcing you... the choice is yours" 'should I say yes or no? Should I ask for some more time? No that's a bad idea because then I would keep thinking about him' "Mina, do you need some more time? I mean you guys have just met and it's not easy making a decision right away." Sooraj says kindly, he has a point but I don't want more time because instead of using the time to make my decision I would just waste it by thinking about something else. "No, I've made my decision" I say and everyone looks at me with shocked expressions. "Yes Mina, what is your decision?" Payal asks. I look at Sidharth and he smiles at me warmly. Looking at this guy makes me feel that he will love me and take care of me all my life. "My decision is..." I take a glance at Sidharth more time and he still has that warm smile pasted on his face. "My decision is... yes" I say loud enough for everyone to hear it.

Dad shoots a proud look at me. "She said yes!!!" Alia yells as she runs around in joy. Everyone smiles and congratulate me, Sidharth walked towards my direction after he spoke to his brother happily. "Mina, are you happy with your decision?" He asks, "of course I am Sidharth, is that even a question?" I say and he chuckles, I would replay that chuckle a hundred times over.

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