Chapter 28

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When I got home after the hospital, I couldn't stop thinking about Sid and that weird mysterious stalker guy. I was contemplating if I should call Sid or not. Maybe not, I finally decided. I needed to tell someone about this guy who tried to strangle me at the hospital, just then Allie came rushing into my room and took a seat opposite me.

"Tell me everything" she said as she stared at me wide eyed.

"Tell you what Allie?" I replied, trying not to make it obvious to what's going on between Sid and I.

"Mina, I'm being serious and if you don't tell me then I'm going to tell mum and dad that you're hiding something from us all and then they aren't gonna leave you alone"she replied mischievously.

"Fine" I said.

A cute smile appeared on Allie's face.

"When I was at the hospital, I went to grab a drink and all of a sudden someone grabbed me from the back and they tried to strangle me" I said, almost sobbing.

"WHAT! why haven't you told anyone?" Allie said, I've never seen her more shocked in my life.
"I.. I was just worried that everyone else would get even more stressed because of me." I replied with a shaky voice.
"How did this even start Mina? I know Sid's accident has something to do with this." Allie said seriously.
"Come to think of it.. maybe his accident was planned!" I said out loud.
"Tell me from the beginning please." Allie said.
I sighed.. " it all started when Kriti Met Sid" I said.
After explaining what Kriti had done, Allie was super shocked. She was speechless. Something I wasn't expecting from someone like her. Usually she would be raging.
I guess this is a pretty serious case and I'm the only one whose underestimating it.
When I looked over at Allie, she was in tears.
"How could you not tell me?" She said, still sobbing.
"I'm sorry Allie" I said and hugged her tightly.
*A few hours Later*
After I Finished work, I drove straight to Sid's house. As I drove in the silence, I noticed bright neon headlights shining behind my car. I tried to speed up to get away from the shining light but it came closer. I kept looking behind in the rear view mirror but the driver couldn't be seen as the lights were too bright. I was only 10 minutes away from Sid's house and this car behind me was starting to creep me out. The car followed me all the way to Sid's street and left as soon as I entered his drive way. I locked the doors and stayed in the car until I saw the sensor lights turn on and Rohan came to get Me.
"Hi Mina" Rohan said as he helped me out of the car.
"Hi.." my voice trailed off as tears overflowed out of my eyes.
Rohan pulled me into a comforting hug and patted my back to show sympathy.
"It'll be okay Mina, just breathe and come with me." Rohan said as I followed him inside and upstairs to Sid's room.
I walked in to see Sid fast asleep. Our families were gathered around his bed. They all saw me and looked relieved.
"Mina." Sid's mum as she pulled me into a warm hug.
I greeted all the others and walked over to Sid who was still soundly asleep. I stared at him, his lips were dry and purple, his head was bandaged all the way around and he had some cuts and scratches on his abdomen and arms. I felt so much guilt when I looked at his wounds. It's all because of me that he's in this state, I went closer to Sid and held his hand softly. His hand was freezing cold, I put a blanket over him and kissed him softly. I looked around and realised that there was no one in the room, just Sid and I. I sat beside Sid and tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, I took hold of his hand again and his eyes slowly opened.
"Mina" was the first thing he said.
"Shh I'm here, it's okay." I whispered as I kissed his hand softly.
He squeezed my hand tightly and winced in pain as he tried to smile.
"I'm so sorry." I said, and just broke down.
"It's not your fault Mina, I was speeding and all of a sudden..." His voice trailed off.
I looked up at Sid, his eyes were closed and his breathing became Heavier.
"Sid!" I tried to shake him awake. But he just didn't get up. I hurriedly called the ambulance and they got to Sid's house within minutes. Our families came rushing to his room as they heard me yell.
Covering her mouth with shock, "Sid's mum broke down. I pulled her close to my chest and told her everything will be fine." We watched as the paramedics took Sid to the hospital. Rohan and Zeef decides to go with them and we all decided to follow behind by car.
Allie, Sid's mum and I went in my car and the rest took Sid's car to the hospital.
It was a silent drive, with only the sobs of Allie breaking the silence.
As we reached to the hospital, we all rushed to the reception and then rushed to the ward that Sid was admitted in.
We weren't allowed to go in as they were doing some check ups on Sid, so we waited in the empty waiting room.
As we were waiting, I decided to check my phone. I had a message from an unknown number.
Hey Mina, how's your lover, is he in hospital again? Be careful, you might lose him. FOREVER."
The message scared the shit out of me. What the hell is going on and who is after us. I finally decided to tell everyone the truth about Sid and Kriti. If I hide it anymore, matters will become worse. After Sid's check up we entered his room, surprisingly he looked much better than before. They only allowed two visitors at a time, after everyone had seen Sid it was finally my turn. I decided to tell him first about what's been going on. "Hi" He said with a small smile. "Hey Sid" I replied.
"I.. I need to tell you something." I stammered
"Yeah... go ahead" he replied curiously
I started by telling him about the first text message that Kriti had sent me.
About an hour later after I told him everything, he was silent. I looked at him for a response but he didn't say a word.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I was too scared." I said, hoping for him to say something.
Instead of saying anything, he picked up his phone and made a call:
"Hi, I am good thank you. Hopefully will be back at work tomorrow. I need you to do me a favour.. the name is Kriti Kapoor. Thank you" He said and hung up.
He looked at me and then looked away.
"Please leave Mina" he said.
"Are you serious? You can't just tell me to leave because I didn't tell you about this situation."
"I said to leave. NOW." Sid yelled.
I left the room crying, everyone was staring at me.
"Mina, are you okay?" I heard all these voices asking me.
"I'm fine!" I yelled and ran out of the hospital. I went into my car and cried. This is all my fault, I should have told everyone about Kriti the first time.
All of a sudden I heard a knock on my car window. I looked over to see that there was no one there. I opened the door and tried to run back into the hospital until a hand grabbed my neck. I tried to scream but there was no voice left in me. I saw Sid running towards me and after that my vision went blurry. "Sid.." I said and lost all consciousness.
Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is well. Here's another chapter for you all. Read and enjoy!! Leave your comments and feedbacks!!
Thank you for your requests
X Abby 💖

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