Chapter 11

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Hello, wonderful people. I deeply apologise for the slow updates, firstly school is getting in the way for me and I broke my phone over the weekends (woops) so I won't be updating as quick as usual but I will try my best. once again thank you all for your support. x  Abby

I stomped up the stairs, got into my room and slammed the door shut. I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "what just happened?" I asked myself, "how can he have the audacity to yell at me like that?" I asked myself again. 'Maybe I should call this wedding off' I thought to myself, "wait.. what am I thinking?" I say to myself.

I jumped off my bed and stared at myself in the mirror which was opposite me. I look like a mess, my hair is everywhere, my face is pale and there's dark circles under my eyes. "I think I need to have a shower.

I grabbed a towel and just stepped straight into my bathroom and shut the door. I got undressed and opened up the cold water which soothed my fatigued body. I scrubbed my face and my body until I felt sparkling clean. I put on my towel as I finished my shower and I entered my room. Still wrapped in my towel, I decided to blow dry my hair. As soon as I grabbed my hair dryer, there was a knock on my door. I open the door to see my little sister Alia standing in front of me with a card in her hand. "Hey, Allie what's that?" I ask her curiously.

"Oh, this is a valentines card for my valentine" Allie replies nervously.

"Ooh, whose you're valentine?" I ask my sister as I raise my eyebrows

"well... he's this really cute guy at school and I kinda like him" Allie replies as she stares at the floor innocently.

"Oh, that's cute. Show me the card" I say to my sister who looks at me with a blank expression.

"Okay" Allie says, as she hands me the shiny, red card.

The cover of the card was interesting and beautiful. It read "I hope you have a lovely valentines day.." In beautiful cursive handwriting. I opened the card with interest and it read:

"Dear Mina,

Firstly I would like to say happy valentines day! Have a great day filled with joy and laughter. I want to celebrate this day of love with you. Will you be my valentine...?

From: you're loving sister, Allie"

My eyes teared up, I didn't know what to say. I looked at Allie with teary eyes and then grabbed her in a long hug. "Of course I'll be you're valentine, Allie!" I yelled in excitement.

"Yes! A date it is then" Allie says and we both laugh together.

"Okay, mina I'll catch you later. I'm running late for dance class." Allie explains quickly.

"Okay, Allie have a great day, bye!" I yelled as Allie rushed down the stairs.

I went back into my room and totally forgot that I was still in my towel. I quickly got dressed into a plain blue satin top and a pair of loose shorts. I checked the time, it was 9:30 am on my digital clock. "wow! time flies" I thought.

I was doing my hair into a neat ponytail until the beautiful aroma of my mum's special tea reached my nose. I rushed down the stairs to be just in time for breakfast, "Good morning, dear mum and dad greeted sweetly. "Morning mum, dad"  I replied, then Sidharth's parents walked in. "Good morning." Dad greeted them sweetly.  "Morning" they both replied kindly.

"Did you guys sleep well?" dad asked Sidharth's parents. "yes, yes we had a wonderful sleep, although it was storming all night" Sidharth's dad replies. "yes and it still is" Dad says as he looks out the window.

Dad was right, the sky was dark outside and it was slightly showering. I wanted to go out today but I guess I can't in this weather. "where are the boys, Sidharth and Rohan?" Dad asks as he looks at me. "They just went out for a jog, should be back soon." Sooraj, Sidharth's dad replied.

"In this weather?" dad asked curiously. "yes, they love to go out jogging in the rain, Payal, Sidharths mum replies. Dad nods in response.

After a while everyone had tea and then got busy with making breakfast. Everyone in our house loves tea, so we have a cup of tea to feel refreshed and then we start to make breakfast. Mum and Payal were frying eggs while dad and sooraj were toasting some bread. Then the doorbell rung, "Mina, can you please get the door?" dad asked as he looked at me weirdly. "yeah sure dad" I replied.

I walked up to our front door and opened it and I see Sidharth and Rohan. "Good morning, Mina" Rohan says. "Good morning" I reply with a wide smile, I looked at Sidharth  but he didn't say a word. He just had a blank expression. "Come on in and join us for breakfast" I say as I motion my hands towards the kitchen. The boys walked into the kitchen and greeted everyone, the kitchen was filled with noise now that zeefa was awake aswell. She doesn't usually talk a lot but she does to Rohan.

Hey guys,

Do let me know how you guys found this chapter. Apologies for the late updates but I try. Do leave any comments below, I will answer your questions and I will appreciate your feedback. Thank you all again for the votes and comments, they are really helpful and I highly appreciate your support.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

X Abby

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