Chapter 15

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Hello beautiful readers, I hope all of you are well. I would like to thank every single one of you for voting on my story and giving me encouragement to write more. Thank you guys so much. Please don't hesitate to leave any comments below as I would love to respond to them 😊 Here is again another chapter I hope you guys like it. Enjoy 😊
X Abby
We all finished having dinner while chatting about the great times we spent back at me place. Which wasn't so great for me, "who wants ice cream?!" Sid yells from the kitchen. "Me!!!" Everyone except me yells back. "Coming soon" Sid says, I walked into the kitchen to see if Sid needed any help. "Hey, need help?" I ask as I see Sid struggling to take the ice cream out. "Please" Sid replies. I take the scoop out of his hand and start to scoop out the ice cream. "Wow, you're fast." Sid says as he looks at me, amused. "Thank you." I reply. I finally finished filling 7 Ice cream cones with ice cream and now two more to go for Sid and I. I scooped out ice cream in cones for Sid and I. I was heading towards the dining until someone grabbed me by my waist. "Sid! What are you doing?" I asked him feeling shocked. "Shhh, let's go" Sid replies as he drags me to the back balcony. "Wow, the view is amazing from here!" I say as I look down

 "Wow, the view is amazing from here!" I say as I look down

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"Sure is." Sid replies. "Can I ask you something?" I say to Sid who looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah sure, ask away." He replies. "How come you aren't mad at me anymore?" I ask as I look into his dark eyes. "I am, but I'm sort of not" he replies, "what do you mean, you are but sort of not?
"Well... follow me" he says as he walks inside and up the stairs to his room. I followed him quietly, thinking curiously about what he meant by 'I am but sort of not'
We walked into his room and he shut the door behind him. I looked around, studying every detail of his tidy but huge room. I look at his broad back as he fiddles through his dressing drawer. He then takes something out and hides it in his jacket. He turns around and now he's facing me, he smirks and walks towards me with one hand in his jacket, holding the object.
"What is it?" I ask as Sid gets closer to me. He then pulls out a book, a pink book which says "MINAS" in cursive handwriting.
"My diary!" I yell as I try to snatch my diary from Sid.
"What the hell Sid! How did you get my diary?"
"When I came over to your place and you went to pick up Allie with Zeefa, I told your parents and mine that I was going to the bathroom. I walked past your room and saw the door open, I walked in and saw your diary under the bed and I grabbed it and hid it in my jacket. And I read it on the way home, i know I shouldn't have but I needed to know what it was that was bothering you so much. I'm mad at you for not telling me Mina, but I'm not mad because now I know what's been bothering you so much. Why couldn't you just tell me Mina?" Sid says.

All I can feel right now is anger, I'm not paying any attention to what Sid is saying because the more he speaks the more I get angry. "Mina" Sid says as he shakes my shoulders, "Shut up! Just shut up Sidharth!"
I yell at him furiously, "Mina, calm down" Sid says as he grabs my shoulders.

"I will not calm down! Let go of me Sid!" I yell for freedom.
"I will not let go of you until you calm down."
"How am I supposed to calm down, knowing the fact that you went through my diary and went through my personal things. What difference does it make to you? Knowing that I have an ex who i was deeply in love with until I caught him with someone else. I still gave him a chance but he didn't change, instead he insulted me on social media. What are you going to fix by knowing any of this? Answer me Sid!" I yell at him with rage.

"It does make a difference" Sid says calmly, " I can help you get over him Mina, and if you want I can go bash the shit out of him. But I want you to know that I didn't do any of this to be nosy, I did it just to find out what was bothering you so much."

Sid is still holding me tightly by my arms. "Okay, just let go of me." I Say calmly.
"I'll only let go of you, if you promise me that you'll stay calm." Sid says as he whispers into my ear, slightly brushing his lips on my cheek.
"Okay, promise." I say as I blushed by his mischief.

Sid let go of my arms slowly, at this point I felt like slapping him but I knew that he was right. I should have told him about my ex in the first place. I'm pretty sure he's read the part where I wrote that I didn't want to marry him. Oh well at least he knows the whole truth now.

"Mina, listen to me." Sid says as he looks into my eyes. "I don't want you to marry me if you're doing it for my happiness, I don't want you to marry me if you're doing it to get over your ex and I don't want you to marry me if you feel like you're being forced to." Sid says as sadness shadows over his face.

"No it's nothing like that Sid." I reply as I cup his face into my hands. "I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't want to marry you at first in fact I didn't want to get married at all and then I decided to marry you because of my family. Then when I saw you, I fell in love with your looks, when I met you, I fell in love with your personality, when I spoke to you, I fell in love with your soul." I reply to Sid who smirks.

"You were sad like a minute ago." I say do Sid.
Sid laughs, "that's because I wanted to see you all romantic." He says and he winks.
"You're so mean!" I yell at Sid as I throw a cushion at him.

"Ow, that really hurt Mina." Sid says sarcastically.
"Shut up." I say and stomp off out of his room. Where I see my parents and Sid's parents staring at me.
Sidharth stands next to me and smirks at me, he's trying to act all innocent In front of my parents.

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