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Sid's POV:
I woke up feeling hazy. My surroundings were blurry and I could hear muffled voices. I tried to keep my eyes open but it was too bright. Seemed like I was laying on a bed, by the surroundings, it felt like I was in a hospital. "What even happened last night?" I thought to myself.
I felt a warm hand embrace mine. "Mina?" I said, hoping it was her, however,  I was still too weak to open my eyes.
"I'm, I'm sorry bhai. Mina's not back yet." Allie sobbed.
"Allie, don't cry. We'll find her as soon as I get better." I squeezed her hand in reassurance and slowly drifted back to sleep.

When I woke up this time, I could see just clearly. I had a cannula inserted into my right arm and a bandage around my forehead. Part of me was sad but also angry. I miss Mina and I want her back. What has she done to deserve this? There was no one in the room beside me, seems like everyone must've left. A while later a few nurses came in and asked me questions about my head injury. I told them I felt a bang on my head and after they couldn't remember anything. One of the nurses, with short hair and big eyes, told me that one of my friends brought me in. I asked for his name but she said she will check the records and let me know. After they renewed my bandage, I decided to call Adam, he answered the phone in one ring. 

"Hey Sid, are you feeling better?" Adam said in his deep voice.
"Yes man, I'm totally fine. What happened last night, any sign of Mina?" I asked impatiently.
"There's some good news and bad news," Adam said.
"Well.. go on tell me" I replied.
"The good news is that Aiden and Kriti are locked up. But the bad thing is that none of them is telling us where Mina is." He replied, his voice full of anger.
"Adam, can you come to pick me up? I have a plan" I said.
"On my way" Adam replied.
I asked the nurses if I could go home, I lied that I was feeling much better. They gave me a few medications and let me go home. I waited in the waiting room for some paperwork to be completed, but then I realised something on the counter. A bag really similar to Mina's bag.
There was a short dark lady at the reception. She was old but she seemed kind. "Hello there handsome, how can I help you," She said kindly with a bright smile.
"Uh.. hi, I would like to know where you got this handbag from?"
"Oh, I didn't notice that darling, does it belong to you?" She asked.
" I think it belongs to my wife, can I have a look inside?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't say no.
"Of course darling, let me know if it's hers." She replied sweetly.
I opened the bag and instantly knew it was Mina's. It has that shiny wallet in it that she uses all the time. I searched for her ID to show proof that it's Mina's bag. Luckily her license was in there. I showed her ID.
"Sure darling, you can take it." She said sweetly.
I took Mina's handbag and went outside as I saw Adams black SUV arrive.
"How are you doing captain?" He asked brightly.

I nodded in response to say I'm okay. As I was shuffling through Mina's handbag, I found a card with an address on it. I thought maybe this would give us an idea about where she could be.
"Take me to this address," I told Adam. We drove silently to the address. It was a small shelter home, made out of wood, rusty and dusty but I think I'd manage. I walked into a shed, the door was wide open. I looked around but all I saw was an empty chair, but I recognised something familiar on the chair. It was an earring of Mina's.
"She has to be somewhere nearby!" I said to Adam.
We rushed to the shelter house, it was very quiet but there were a few squeaks here and there. I left an SMS for the others to come for back up. Just in case, I slowly turned the doorknob of the house and to my surprise it was open. "Hello, is there anyone there," Adam said.
"Keep quiet, you idiot!" I said angrily as I shoved my elbow at him. We saw some sort of light, a small light, seemed like it was coming from a torchlight.
Adam and I turned our torches off, not wanting to make it obvious that we were there, although Adam had already done that.
The light got closer and closer, I held my gun up and pointed it towards the light, just in case. Soon there was a shadow of a girl, medium height and skinny. A lot like Mina.
"Who's there? Her voice called. Please help me." she said.
The sound of her voice made me relieved but it broke my heart seeing Mina helpless."
Adam and I turned our torches back on, "Mina?" I called out, as she went out of site again.
"Sid!" She called out. She was just about to embrace me, tears pooled in her eyes, her eyes lit up and she was smiling until someone grabbed her. 

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