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"Mina!" I yelled as I ran after the car that she was dragged into. Poor Mina, this is all my fault. I have to get back on duty as soon as possible. I called my workmate Sam on the spot and told him the registration number of the car. Meanwhile I decided to chase behind with my car.
"Sid get back in bed, you're sick!" I heard my mother yelling from the distance as I got into my car. "Sorry mum, I can't I have to go. I can't leave Mina like this."
I raced my car and tried to find a similar black van with tinted windows but I couldn't see it anywhere. Just then Sam called me back.
"Speak up" I said
"We found the car Sir, it's just around Summer Grove. I'll send you the address.
As soon as I got the address, I rushed to Summer Grove and as soon as I got around the corner, I spotted the van. The van's doors were open but there was no one inside. It was a very empty and huge place, almost the size of several football fields. It's too dangerous to find Mina on my own. I called the crew for help and as they arrived, we all split up.
While searching for Mina, I heard three gunshots. I was scared, if it was one of my men. I then heard a loud yell "coast is clear sir!" Adam, my right hand yelled. I ran to him as fast as I could and we both barged into a huge cement building. It was empty and dark inside, I switched on my torch light and shined it around the place. It was pindrop silence, although we had the torches, it was still so hard to see since it was so dark.
Suddenly I heard a rustle behind me, I flashed the torch around but there was no one there. Suddenly a heavy hand grabbed me by the neck and tried to choke me. I got the end of my torch and hit him hard on the head, I grabbed him by the collar.
"Where's Mina?" I yelled
"I.. I don't know." The man stuttered
"Tell me now or else" I said as I flashed my pistol at him.
"Okay sir I'll tell you, she's on the 15th floor of that hotel." He said as he pointed towards the west.
I ran to the hotel and asked the reception about the room details of Mina. "Sorry sir there's no one of the name Mina booked in." She said.
"Shit" I said as I punched the wall in front of me.
"But sir, we do have a name who checked in a few hours before you arrived." The lady said.
"What's the name?" I asked curiously.
"It's under the name Kira sir" the lady replied.
"Thank you so much, and the room number is?" I asked.
"Room number 7 on the 15th floor sir." She replied.
I took the lift and jogged to room number 7. I was about to barge until I realised that the door was semi open. I walked in, the room was dark and had a musky scent which smelt familiar. I heard a voice and suddenly the television behind me flashed on.
"Help, Sid please help me!"
It was a video tape of Mina, crying for help.
"Sid.. nice to see you. Again" a hand brushed over my face and that same bitter voice screeched through my ears.
Warning ⚠️ swearing and coarse language will be used in the following, if you feel uncomfortable please do skip through 😊
I looked at kira and slapped her as rage filled my mind.
"Where the hell is Mina?"
"You don't deserve to know asshole!" She yelled.
I grabbed her by the hair
"I said where the Fuck is Mina!" I yelled at her.
"I'll only let her go... if you give me just one night. Just me and you..." She whispered seductively
I slapped her again
"Stay the hell away from me. You filthy snob" I said.
I took out my pistol and placed it on her forehead.
"Where is Mina" I said
"Tsk tsk tsk, poor Lovebirds. Dying to see each other." She teased.
"Shut the fuck up and tell me where's Mina!" I pressed the pistol harder onto her forehead.
"Oh Sid, you can't kill me.. if you do.. whose gonna tell you where your love is?" She laughed.
I was so furious I punched the mirror, shattering it into pieces.
"One last time. Tell me where is Mina?" I said.
"Mina isn't in my care. I gave her away to Aiden"
I was so shocked.
Aidan is in on this!? How can he do this to me? He was my best friend.
"Where the hell is Aiden?" I yelled
"Oh sorry I can't tell you." Kira replied.
She is starting to get on my nerves now. I grabbed her by the neck and asked her "where the hell is Aiden."
"I wouldn't know." She snarled and laughed wickedly.
Just then Adam and the rest of the crew barged into the hotel room. Adam and Sam pulled Kira out of my tight grip.
I took a deep breath as they all rushed out of the room. I looked for any evidence, I checked in the bathroom, the other spare rooms and even behind shelves and curtains. As I was about to walk out realisation hit me and I quickly ran back to the rooms and looked under the bed. In the third room I found Mina's bag, I was relieved but so worried at the same time. I opened her bag and dropped everything out. A little sticky note caught my eye, I hurriedly read the note:
"To whom this may concern. I have been kidnaped, I heard them say "Dark Valley". Please contact my family on the numbers listed below. I am not safe please help me."
- Mina
I'm glad Mina was smart enough to leave a note. I sent the crew a copy of the note. I raced my car out of there and after an hours drive, I was finally at Dark Valley. This place was huge, where am I supposed to find her? she could be anywhere.
After a while, Adam and Sam made it and we all split up. I ran into a nearby hotel and asked the receptionist if there was anyone had booked under the name Aiden. I showed her my Police registration badge since the receptionist looked hesitan. "Sir there is a person booked under the name Aiden. Here's the spare keys. She said as she handed me the keys and a piece of paper with the room number and floor written on it.
I rushed into the lift and pressed the number 20. While doing so, I called Adam.
"Sir?" He answered.
"Meet me at Hope Hotel and show the lady at the reception your badges. Ask her if you can have access to the cameras." I hung up as I got to the 20th floor, I quietly walked to room number 7 and Unlocked the door with the provided key. As I opened the door. I was shocked by what I saw front of me. I rushed to Aiden and dragged his semi naked body off Mina's, "get the hell off her! You disgusting animal." I screamed. Mina's hands were tied to the bed, I couldn't watch her struggle like that. Tears filled my eyes and I reached out to untie her hands. Suddenly I felt a painful bang against my head, something very heavy weighed me down, I started to lose my vision. Mina's scream was floating around the room, My face hit the ground with a thud. Aiden's evil laugh echoed through my ears. I felt so helpless when I heard Mina screaming. I couldn't do anything, everything darkened and all I could think of was Mina....
Hi everyone, hope you are all well!
I deeply apologise for the delay but here is the most wanted chapter have a great read and be sure to give me feedback. It's a little short but this chapter was very much requested so I tried to do as much as possible. Thank you all!
Happy reading
X Abby 💖

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