Painful News

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Kendall P.O.V 

    As I sit in the waiting room with my head in my knees, trying to process everything that has just happened. My wife just got into a horrible car crash and no one knows if she'll survive. She can't leave this world now, we have our 3 year old daughter to care for. I can feel the hot tears stream down my face as I think about what will happen if she doesn't survive. All of sudden a doctor comes out of the room and I immediately stand up. 

Doctor: "Are you Mr. Schmidt"

Kendall: 'Yes, that's me. How is she? Is she going to make it?' 

Doctor: ' I'm very sorry to say but she didn't make it. We tried everything we could but unfortunately we couldn't safe her." 

   My heart stopped beating, I couldn't believe what I just heard. I lost the love of my life and the mother to our child. How was I going to tell Kylie, that her mom passed away? I slowly slid down the wall and landed on the floor. I never even got to say good bye or that I loved her more then anything in the world. I stood up and looked at the doctor with my red puffy eyes.

Kendall: "Can I atleast see her one last time?"

Doctor: "Sure, but I'm going to warn you she's cut up pretty badly."

     We walked into her room. I instantly ran to her side and held her freezing cold hand. She had a huge gash on the left side of her head, and her body was all bruised. She looked like she had broken ribs because her chest was all bumpy and broken looking. Even though she looked so broken and bruised, she was still the most beautiful girl I ever lied eyes on. I gently ran my hand through her silky light brown hair. Suddenly my phone starts to ring, it's James. I debated on wheather to answer it or not. On the last ring I decided to pick it up becaue it could be important. 

Kendall: "Hello..."

James: "Hey man.... Have you been crying? You sound hurt, what's wrong?" 

Kendall: " I don't know how to say this but Kacey passed away......"

James: "Wait! What!?!? How!?!"

Kendall: "She got into a really bad car accident and unfortunately didn't make it......"

James: "Where are you now?"

Kendall: "Sitting by her side at the hospital."

James: "Stay there, I'm on my way." 

Kendall: "Okay...."

James P.O.V

I got into my car as fast as I can and drove as fast as I could to to the hospital. After about 20 minutes, I arrived. I parked my car and ran to the main entrance. Luckly Kendall texted me the room number so I knew where to go. When I arrived  to her room I felt goosebumps form onto my arms. I slowly opened the door and saw Kendall crying onto Kacey's chest. I closed the door lightly and walked over to him. I placed a hand on his broad shoulder and he looked up at me. He instantly stood up and I gave him the most supporting hug ever. He started to cry on my shoulder, which made me start to tear up. I pulled over a chair and sat next to him. It was dead silent until Kendall spoke up.

Kendall: "Why did this have to happen to her? Why couldn't it be me?" 

James: "I know man, I promise you things will get better. The guys and I are here for you no matter what. You have to stay strong for Kylie, she needs more then ever now."

Kendall:"I know, but how am I opposed to tell her that her mom is gone and is never coming back." 

James: "If you want I can come over and help you brake the news to her. She is closet to me out of all the guys.' 

Kendall:"You'd do that for me?"

James:"Totally, that's what best friends are for."

Kendall's P.OV

   As James and I were talking the nurse came in and told us we only had 5 more minutes until we had to leave. James was now waiting out in the hallway so I could say my last good byes to Kacey. I got down on my kness and began to talk. 

"Kacey you and I have been through so much. I'll never forget the first time we met. You were the most beautiful girl I ever lied eyes on. I knew you were the one I would marry and have kids with. When we got married it was one of the best days of my life. The day you told me we were going to have Kylie I was the happiest man alive. You will always be in heart and I will never forget you. I love you more then anything in the world. "

With that I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. James was right by side to comfort  me. 

Now to tell Kylie about her mommy........ 

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