The Shocking Truth

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Kendall P.O.V

McKayla just got done with seeing the doctor. Good thing I took her becuase it turned out that the slits were infected badly. The doctor prescribed a cream and an antibiotic for them. We're in Panera Bread eating lunch now. McKayla looks like she's in a daze.

Kendall:"What are you thinking about?"


Kendall:"Yes you, what's going on that brain of your's"

McKayla:"Lots of things.......Mostly about my image though....."

Kendall:"Your image? Have you you seen yourself in the mirror lately? Your beautiful, girls would kill to look like you. Never let anyone tell you different."

McKayla:"Your just say this because your my uncle......"

Kendall:"Okay, then lets ask strangers...... They'll be honest with you, just like I was."

I stand up and find seven different strangers that had no clue who we were and brought them over to her. 

Kendall:"Everyone this is McKayla, she's not thinking so highly of herself these days...."

Right away they start telling her she's wrong. After a few minutes of her getting compliments, they all leave and I sit back down. I look at her and see a smile creep onto her face. 

Kendall:"Still think I'm lying?"

McKayla:"No..... You were right, I'm being to hard on myself. I need to just go with the flow and not care what people think. As long as I'm happy with myself thats all I should care about....... Does this still mean I have to go to the psychologist, though?"

Kendall:"Yes, you still have to go. But I'm glad that you realized that your a beautiful young lady."

McKayla:"Since I still have to go, can you atleast come in with me? I'm scared....."

Kendall:"I would love to come in and be right by your side, but I think it would be best if you go in alone. That way if you want to say something you don't want me to know or feel embarrassed about, it will be easier to talk about. I'll only be out in the waiting room and you only have to talk to her for an hour. You'll be fine, I promise."

She nods and finishes eating. After she finishes we drive to the psychologist.

Kevin hasn't called me yet, I hope everything is okay with Kylie......

Kevin P.O.V

It's almost two in the afternoon, and Kylie just woke up, I find it weird. She comes down the stairs and runs to me crying. I pick her up and rub her back. 

Kevin:"Hey, love bug, what's wrong?"

Kylie:"My lip and chin hurt..... I want daddy!!"

She starts to cry harder.

Kevin:"Daddy had to take Kay to the doctor's, he'll be back later. Do you want some medicine in the mean time?"

Kylie:"No.... I want daddy!!'

She turns her head to face me and I see that her stiches look infected and black and blue. I grab my phone and dial Kendall's number. Kylie countines to cry harder and harder.

Kendall:"Hey, I was just gonna call you. How's Ky?"

Kevin:"Not good, her stiches are black and blue. They also look infected, she's crying in pain right now, if you can't hear it. She also keeps saying your name..... I don't know what to do?"

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